We need to convert numbers into a string, to include it in a comment, and when the number is a negative we want brackets around it vs a minus sign. Here's the current formula being used:
So let's say the [numberfield1] = (2.00) and [textfield1]=hello
The result is KE-2-hello
We want a result of KE(2)-hello
If you know of a format formula we can apply to the CSTR(), would grealy appreciate your input.
Thank you,
We need to convert numbers into a string, to include it in a comment, and when the number is a negative we want brackets around it vs a minus sign. Here's the current formula being used:
So let's say the [numberfield1] = (2.00) and [textfield1]=hello
The result is KE-2-hello
We want a result of KE(2)-hello
If you know of a format formula we can apply to the CSTR(), would grealy appreciate your input.
Thank you,