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Need TreeView docs and tips 2

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Jul 11, 2001
I plan to use TreeView in an Access2002 app and need docs. MS is no help but I have seen reference to comctl2.hlp (I have the ActiveX part) but I cannot find it in the MS Knowledgebase or on my Office Developer disks. Any suggestions?
Thnx, Falcon99 - I don't know how I missed these (searched for Treeview, etc.). These docs should do it. Bravo.
Hi There

I'm working on the Treeview since a few weeks and this is what I did...

You'll need 3 Tables = 1, Courses (Kurse)
2, Members (Teilnehmer)
4, Actions (Eintrag)

The Difficults on a Treeview are the KeyNodes. They just can be Text - Numbers are not allowed. Thats why you have to change a number to text

The easy way is: "z" & MemberNr or you use strConv()
but the Problem is... Keys are not allowed to be double.

For an easyUse try this in a new Form - drag the ActiveX-TreeView (6.0) into the form and call it "Treeview1"
now get into the design and add the Code to the "FormLoad"

Private Sub Form_Load()

With Me!TreeView1
.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText
.Indentation = 0
.LineStyle = tvwRootLines

.Nodes.Add , , "Root", "Root"
.Nodes.Add "Root", tvwChild, "Level1", "Level1"
.Nodes.Add "Root", tvwChild, "Level2", "Level1"

.Nodes.Add "Level1", tvwChild, "Level3", "GrandChild1"
.Nodes.Add "Level3", tvwChild, "Level1a", "GrandChild1"
.Nodes.Add "Level1a", tvwChild, "Levelb", "GrandChild1"
.Nodes.Add "Levelb", tvwChild, , "Data_1"
.Nodes.Add "Levelb", tvwChild, , "Data_2"
.Nodes.Add "Levelb", tvwChild, , "Data_3"
.Nodes.Add "Levelb", tvwChild, , "Data_4"

.Nodes.Add "Level1", tvwChild, "Level4", "GrandChild2"
.Nodes.Add "Level1", tvwChild, "Level5", "GrandChild3"

.Nodes.Add "Level2", tvwChild, "Level6", "GrandChild1"

End With

End Sub

... this is an easy Sample how it works...

the difficult action you'll find down here....

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsKurse, rsTeilnehmer, rsVorgaben, rsEintrag As DAO.Recordset
Dim Node As Object

Set objListImage = Me!FileImages

' Set TreeView control ImageList property
Me!xTree.ImageList = objListImage.Object
' Me!xTree.Sorted = True

Set db = CurrentDb()

' Level 1 '
Dim strSQLA As String
strSQLA = "SELECT * FROM tblKurse "
strSQLA = strSQLA & "ORDER BY [tblKurse].[KursBezeichnung]; "

Set rsKurse = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLA, dbOpenDynaset)

If rsKurse.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until rsKurse.EOF
Lev1 = "kurs" & rsKurse!KursNr

Set Node = Me!xTree.Nodes.Add(, , Lev1, CStr(rsKurse!KursBezeichnung), "Kurs")
' Node.ExpandedImage = "p2"

' Level 2 '

Dim strSQL1 As String
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM tblTeilnehmer "
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & "WHERE ((([tblTeilnehmer].[TlnAktiv])=Yes)) "
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " and [KursNr]=" & Mid(Lev1, 5)
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " ORDER BY [tblTeilnehmer].[TlnName]; "

Set rsTeilnehmer = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)
If rsTeilnehmer.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until rsTeilnehmer.EOF
lev2 = Lev1 & rsTeilnehmer!TlnNr

Set Node2 = Me!xTree.Nodes.Add(Lev1, tvwChild, _
lev2, CStr(rsTeilnehmer!TeilnehmerName), "tln")
' Node2.ExpandedImage = "tlnof"


' Level 3 '
Dim strSQL2 As String
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM tblVorgaben "
'strSQL2 = strSQL2 & "WHERE [TlnNr]=" & Mid(Lev2, 9)

Set rsVorgaben = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL2, dbOpenDynaset)
If rsVorgaben.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until rsVorgaben.EOF
Lev3 = lev2 & "z" & rsVorgaben!VorgabeNr
vorgabe = rsVorgaben!VorgabeBezeichnungLong

Set Node3 = Me!xTree.Nodes.Add(lev2, tvwChild, Lev3, vorgabe, "info")
'Node3.ExpandedImage = "eintragof"


' Level 4 '
Dim strSQL3 As String
strSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM tblEintrag "
strSQL3 = strSQL3 & "WHERE [VorgabeNr]=" & Mid(Lev3, 14)
strSQL3 = strSQL3 & " and [TlnNr]=" & Mid(lev2, 9, 4)
strSQL3 = strSQL3 & " ORDER BY tblEintrag.Datum DESC; "

Set rsEintrag = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL3, dbOpenDynaset)
If rsEintrag.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until rsEintrag.EOF
Lev4 = "e" & rsEintrag!eNr

' zahler = Me!xTree.Nodes.Count
' zahler = rsEintrag.RecordCount - 1
' ezahl = rsEintrag.RecordCount

Set Node4 = Me!xTree.Nodes.Add(Lev3, tvwChild, Lev4, _
rsEintrag!Datum & " - " & rsEintrag!EintragGrund, "zeit")
'Node4.ExpandedImage = "tlnof"

End If

' End of Level 4

End If
' End of Level 3

End If
' End of Level 2

End If
' End of Level 1

End Sub

there is code missing to connect to the data after click a Node... just contact me to get a sample db...

cu :)
Thnx, Franz. This is most helpful. I am evaluating treeview as the principle navigation interface for a large (200* form) application, in place of the usual menu structures.
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