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Need to receive value from checkbutton...HELP!!! 1

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Dec 11, 2001
I am trying to figure out how to recieve the value from a checkbutton when that button is in the on position and a user clicks an entry button. I've been trying a bunch of different methods to get the value to be set in the myproc2 procedure but am having no luck. This is a snippet of the code that i just ran. I have been adjusting it various ways to try and get it right. When I run it as it is right now i get back an error message which reads "Invalid command name ::Chec0" Please help if you can.

proc myproc2 {} {

set txport $[::Chec$b]
ixPuts "txport"


toplevel .top

wm title .top "hi"
wm geometry .top 175x300+25+25

frame .top.fr2 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr2 -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr3 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr3 -side bottom -ipadx 50 -ipady 50

message .top.fr.r -width 4i -text "Select port for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr.r

###############loop to create buttons and pass value 2 ###############proc myproc2

set b 0

foreach item $portList {

checkbutton .top.fr.$item -text $item -onvalue $item -variable [::Chec$b]

pack .top.fr.$item

incr b


message .top.fr2.r -width 4i -text "Enter name for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr2.r
entry .top.fr2.entry1 -width 10 -relief sunken -textvariable ::Station1
pack .top.fr2.entry1

button .top.fr3.enter2 -text Enter -command myproc2
if "chec$b" (or "::chec$b") is a variable, why do you have it enclosed in []? Bob Rashkin
In the for loop I'm trying to increment the value of b for each checkbutton I create. If I take the [] off, it only sees the variable for the buttons created as ::Chec (Says can't read "::Chec" no such variable) when I am trying to get it to see ::Chec0, ::Chec1,...etc. However, when I do it with the [] it says "illegal command Chec1" which I don't understand because it should be a legitimate variable I would think. But then I'm not a TCL expert.
Well, I think using "" as in "::chec$b" would work better. I just tried:

set chec0 0
set chec1 1
set b 0
set "::chec$b"
set b 1
set "::chec$b"
>1 Bob Rashkin
I believe I tried that before too. I just tried it now and received a stack trace error which reads: can't read "b": no such variable while executing set txport "::Chec$b"
I believe the value is being set in the for loop, but when I try to view it in the procedure after the button is clicked, it doesn't associate $b with the value.

proc myproc2 { } {

set txport "Chec$b"
ixPuts "txport"


toplevel .top

wm title .top "hi"
wm geometry .top 175x300+25+25

frame .top.fr2 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr2 -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr3 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr3 -side bottom -ipadx 50 -ipady 50

message .top.fr.r -width 4i -text "Select port for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr.r

#########################for loop for checkbuttons

set b 0

foreach item $portList {

checkbutton .top.fr.$item -text $item -onvalue $item -variable "Chec$b"

pack .top.fr.$item

incr b


message .top.fr2.r -width 4i -text "Enter name for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr2.r
entry .top.fr2.entry1 -width 10 -relief sunken -textvariable ::Station1
pack .top.fr2.entry1

button .top.fr3.enter2 -text Enter -command myproc2
Oh. I think this calls for "uplevel", or global, or passing $b as an argument. I don't think your proc knows what variable "b" is. Bob Rashkin
I think I may have it anyways. Maybe i made it more complicated than it needed to be. I'll look into the uplevel command though, but it initially seems like the following code is going to work. I'll keep hacking away at it anyways though.

proc myproc2 { } {

if { $::Chec1 != 0 } {

set txport $::Chec1

ixPuts "$txport"
} else {



toplevel .top

wm title .top "hi"
wm geometry .top 175x300+25+25

frame .top.fr2 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr2 -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr -side top -ipady 10

frame .top.fr3 -bd 10 -width 5i -height 5i
pack .top.fr3 -side bottom -ipadx 50 -ipady 50

message .top.fr.r -width 4i -text "Select port for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr.r

set b 0

##########################for loop

foreach item $portList {

checkbutton .top.fr.$item -text $item -onvalue $item -offvalue 0 -variable ::Chec1

pack .top.fr.$item

incr b


message .top.fr2.r -width 4i -text "Enter name for Testing Station 1"
pack .top.fr2.r
entry .top.fr2.entry1 -width 10 -relief sunken -textvariable ::Station1
pack .top.fr2.entry1

button .top.fr3.enter2 -text Enter -command myproc2
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