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Need to parse and convert to a number

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Technical User
Aug 16, 2001
I have a string that is in the form of:



I want to sort the data out into 3 seperate columns and use them as numbers so I can use them for calculations.

How do I best go about that?
A starting point:
Dim myStr As String, myArrNum
myStr = "Garbage(-338409,-110472,8275)"
myNumArr = Split(Replace(Mid(myStr, InStrRev(myStr, "(") + 1), ")", ""), ",")
MsgBox "col1=" & myNumArr(0) & ",col2=" & myNumArr(1) & ",col3=" & myNumArr(2)

Hope This Helps, PH.
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There may be a better way, but you could use something like this ...

Sub zzzzzzzzzzzzz()

    Dim strTest As String, a As Long, arrStr() As String, arrLng() As Long
    strTest = "Garbage(-338409,-110472,8275)"
    a = InStr(1, strTest, "(")
    If a <> 0 Then
        strTest = Right(strTest, Len(strTest) - a)
    End If
    a = InStr(1, strTest, ")")
    If a <> 0 Then
        strTest = Left(strTest, a - 1)
    End If
    arrStr = Split(strTest, ",")
    arrLng = ConvertArray_Long(arrStr())
End Sub

Function ConvertArray_Long(arrVar)
    Dim i As Long, arrTmp() As Long
    ReDim arrTmp(LBound(arrVar) To UBound(arrVar))
    For i = LBound(arrVar) To UBound(arrVar)
        arrTmp(i) = Val(arrVar(i))
    Next i
    ConvertArray_Long = arrTmp()
End Function

Zack Barresse
Sure, I'd explicitly reference it as far as you need to go though...

myStr = Workbooks("Book1.xls").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A3").Value

Zack Barresse
Well that is what I wanted to accomplish, but I just want to do it automatically when I copy a bunch of data into the worksheet.

That information is actually in column 2 but only like every 10 rows, but that is subject to change.
Udir, tons of threads here showing you how to travel down the rows !
What have you tried so far ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886

ALTHOUGH this is the VBA forum...

This can be done on the worksheet using Data/Text to columns... in 3 easy steps
1. Delimit on (
2. Delimit on )
3. Delimit on ,
macro record it, if this is a recurring task.


[glasses] [red]Be Advised![/red] A chicken, who would drag a wagon across the road for 2 cents, is…
POULTRY in motion to PULLET for a PALTRY amount! [tongue]
What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? What is the desired end result? More details are needed really.

Zack Barresse
Ok, in excel I want to paste some data that will have an unknown set of information in the paste from another program.

The knowns are that the information that I am wanting to use is contained in the string that appears in column 2 within random rows within the worksheet. When I paste the data into the worksheet, it starts at A4 and runs however big the data pasted is.

I want Garbage(-336179,-111388,4469) to look like:

Column 1 2 3 4 5
Garbage -336179 -111388 4469

From there I want to run a calcuation in column 6 using information from a known the user keys in.
What calculation? What other data will be in column 2? Will there be data in columns 3-5 before your numbers? A little more details please.

Zack Barresse
Column in the first case will contain the "random string (-336179, -111388, 4469).

Some number of rows in between that and then next grouping of data that I want to look at, is two columns of garbage. Usually 15 rows in between.

There is currently nothing in Columns 3-5 yet, but I would like -336179, -111388, 4469 in each of the columns.

The user in A2 keys in an X value, A3 keys in Y value, and A4 keys in a Z value. From there I want to in columns 6 next to Cell 3-5 that contain the data, run a calculation based on the user input against the data just sorted out.

Let me get this straight..

A2, A3 & A4 = User input values.

Starting at B4 and going down is your variable text strings.

Enter - where applicable - numbers from text string to C4:E4 (and down rows as needed).

Put a calculation in F4 (and down rows as needed).

Sound right? Also, you never told us the calculation you want to perform..

Zack Barresse
Also, are there actually spaces after the commas? First example you showed did not, second one did. Is it variable?

Zack Barresse
A more elaborated starting point (VBA code of course):
Sub myParseNum()
Dim c As Range, myStr As String, myArrNum, i As Integer
For Each c In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B:B")
myStr = Trim(c.Text)
If myStr Like "*(*,*)" Then
myArrNum = Split(Replace(Mid(myStr, InStrRev(myStr, "(") + 1), ")", ""), ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(myArrNum)
c.Offset(0, 1 + i) = Val(myArrNum(i))
End If
End Sub

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886
Ok let me fix this.

C2, D2, E2 contain the user variables x1, y1, z1

The data that I want to use starts in B4 and runs throughout the B's. I want the numeric part to appear in C, D, E. x2, y2, z2.

in the same row as the information is extracted appears (c-e) in column h of I want run this calcuation:

a = x1-x2

b = y1-y2

c = z1-z2

dt = sqrt(a + b + c)

Yes there are spaces, and yes it is a variable... Never the same number. That was just me keying it wrong.
Well, mine might be longer than PHVs, but it works ...

Sub EnterValuesAndCalcsPlease()
    Dim c As Range, rngLoop As Range
    Dim strTest As String, a As Long, n As Long
    Dim arrStr() As String, arrLng() As Long
    Call SpeedUp
    On Error GoTo ErrEnd
    Set rngLoop = Range("B4", Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
    For Each c In rngLoop
        strTest = c.Value
        If strTest Like "*(*,*)" Then
            arrStr = Split(Replace(Mid(strTest, InStrRev(strTest, "(") + 1), ")", ""), ",")
            arrLng = ConvertArray_Long(arrStr())
            Range("C" & c.Row).Value = arrLng(0)
            Range("D" & c.Row).Value = arrLng(1)
            Range("E" & c.Row).Value = arrLng(2)
            Range("H" & c.Row).Formula = "=SQRT(($C$2-C" & c.Row & ")+($D$2-D" & c.Row & ")+($E$2-E" & c.Row & "))"
        End If
    Next c
    Call SpeedDown
End Sub

Function ConvertArray_Long(arrVar)
    Dim i As Long, arrTmp() As Long
    ReDim arrTmp(LBound(arrVar) To UBound(arrVar))
    For i = LBound(arrVar) To UBound(arrVar)
        arrTmp(i) = Val(arrVar(i))
    Next i
    ConvertArray_Long = arrTmp()
End Function

Sub SpeedUp()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub

Sub SpeedDown()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Does not take into account any negatively calculated value for finding the square root of, so you would end up with a #NUM error on those (if applicable).

Zack Barresse
Well, mine might be longer than PHVs, but it works ...
Mine didn't work ???
It worked great... Thanks for your help!!!
PHV: nope, didn't say that and wasn't implying that. Was only inferring to my limited skill set. In fact, if you'll notice, I used some of your coding to shorten it up a bit. :)

Zack Barresse
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