Hi All,
I have a stored procedure and am having to use it in a Crystal 7.0 report on Windows XP. The report doesn't like the way the procedure pulls so I had to alter the stored procedure: I took the table that it was pulling from "Trip_Vitals" and created a view "V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals" that pulls everything from a certain date forward. Prior to that date, the field causing the problem (Trip_Vitals.respreg) shows an R instead of a 1 for dates prior to 1/1/07. The R is throwing off my report. But with the new stored procedure based on the view instead of the table it takes 15 minutes to pull the report instead of 20 seconds. Any ideas on what I can do to make this run faster or should I be posting this in a crystal reports forum?
SELECT tdate, job, vdate, vtime, pulse, resprate , bps, bpd, palpitation,spo2,etco2,painscale, who_text as crewname, temperature, comments, PTA,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 18 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.respreg) as respreg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 18 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pulsereg) as pulsereg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 17 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pulsestrength) as pulsestrength,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 21 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.capillaryrefill) as capillaryrefill,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 19 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.respeffort) as respeffort,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 20 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.lungsoundsleft) as lungsoundsleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 20 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.lungsoundsright) as lungsoundsright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 28 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcseyes) as gcseyes,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 30 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcsmotor) as gcsmotor,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 29 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcsverbal) as gcsverbal,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 16 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ecg) as ecg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 6021 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ecgectopics) as ecgectopics, glucose,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 22 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skintemp) as skintemp,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 24 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skincolor) as skincolor,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 23 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skinmoisture) as skinmoisture,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 27 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilsizeleft) as pupilsizeleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 27 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilsizeright) as pupilsizeright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 26 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilreactionleft) as pupilreactionleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 26 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilreactionright) as pupilreactionright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 25 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupildilationleft) as pupildilationleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 25 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupildilationright) as pupildilationright,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE TYPE = 3100 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.loc) as LOC,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.armmovementleft) as armmovementleft,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.armmovementright) as armmovementright,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.legmovementleft) as legmovementleft,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.legmovementright) as legmovementright,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_BLOOD_PRESSURE_METHODS WHERE Blood_Pressure_Method_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.Blood_Pressure_Method) as bloodpressuremethod,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_SPO2_OXYGEN_SOURCE_TYPES WHERE SPO2_Oxygen_Source_Type_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.SPO2_Oxygen_Source_Type) as spo2oxygensource,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_ETCO2_COMPENSATION_TYPES WHERE ETCO2_Compensation_Type_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ETCO2_Compensation_Type) as etco2compensation,
from V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals where status=1
Code for the View:
FROM dbo.Trip_Vitals
where Trip_Vitals.tdate > '2007-01-01'
Thanks for the help!
I have a stored procedure and am having to use it in a Crystal 7.0 report on Windows XP. The report doesn't like the way the procedure pulls so I had to alter the stored procedure: I took the table that it was pulling from "Trip_Vitals" and created a view "V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals" that pulls everything from a certain date forward. Prior to that date, the field causing the problem (Trip_Vitals.respreg) shows an R instead of a 1 for dates prior to 1/1/07. The R is throwing off my report. But with the new stored procedure based on the view instead of the table it takes 15 minutes to pull the report instead of 20 seconds. Any ideas on what I can do to make this run faster or should I be posting this in a crystal reports forum?
SELECT tdate, job, vdate, vtime, pulse, resprate , bps, bpd, palpitation,spo2,etco2,painscale, who_text as crewname, temperature, comments, PTA,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 18 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.respreg) as respreg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 18 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pulsereg) as pulsereg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 17 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pulsestrength) as pulsestrength,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 21 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.capillaryrefill) as capillaryrefill,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 19 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.respeffort) as respeffort,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 20 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.lungsoundsleft) as lungsoundsleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 20 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.lungsoundsright) as lungsoundsright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 28 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcseyes) as gcseyes,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 30 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcsmotor) as gcsmotor,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 29 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.gcsverbal) as gcsverbal,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 16 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ecg) as ecg,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 6021 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ecgectopics) as ecgectopics, glucose,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 22 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skintemp) as skintemp,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 24 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skincolor) as skincolor,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 23 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.skinmoisture) as skinmoisture,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 27 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilsizeleft) as pupilsizeleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 27 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilsizeright) as pupilsizeright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 26 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilreactionleft) as pupilreactionleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 26 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupilreactionright) as pupilreactionright,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 25 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupildilationleft) as pupildilationleft,
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 25 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.pupildilationright) as pupildilationright,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE TYPE = 3100 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.loc) as LOC,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.armmovementleft) as armmovementleft,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.armmovementright) as armmovementright,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.legmovementleft) as legmovementleft,
(SELECT descr FROM fdc_descriptions WHERE type = 51 AND code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.legmovementright) as legmovementright,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_BLOOD_PRESSURE_METHODS WHERE Blood_Pressure_Method_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.Blood_Pressure_Method) as bloodpressuremethod,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_SPO2_OXYGEN_SOURCE_TYPES WHERE SPO2_Oxygen_Source_Type_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.SPO2_Oxygen_Source_Type) as spo2oxygensource,
(SELECT Description FROM FDC_ETCO2_COMPENSATION_TYPES WHERE ETCO2_Compensation_Type_ID = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ETCO2_Compensation_Type) as etco2compensation,
from V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals where status=1
Code for the View:
FROM dbo.Trip_Vitals
where Trip_Vitals.tdate > '2007-01-01'
Thanks for the help!