Hello, The results of this formula when exported to excel fill the cells that don't meet the criteria with 01/00/1900. How so I get the cells to be no criteria cells to be blank when exported?
if {PR1_EmployeeMaster.HireDate} in Date (2014,07,21) to Date (2014,08,20)and
{PR1_EmployeeMaster.BenefitScheduleCode} in ["01","75","80","83","85","87","90","95"]
then ({PR1_EmployeeMaster.HireDate})
Thank you
I am using Crystal 10 with Sage 100 5.0
if {PR1_EmployeeMaster.HireDate} in Date (2014,07,21) to Date (2014,08,20)and
{PR1_EmployeeMaster.BenefitScheduleCode} in ["01","75","80","83","85","87","90","95"]
then ({PR1_EmployeeMaster.HireDate})
Thank you
I am using Crystal 10 with Sage 100 5.0