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Need to Install C compiler on Solaris

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Sep 25, 2000
so, Sun does not package cc with their OS. It must be bought separately, right? So, I tried to install GCC on my sparc solaris 8.0, but I can't, because I need to enable a compiler, either gcc or cc in my path in order to accomplish the task; according to GNU website. How do I get around this loop? I have tried the binary versions from and continue to be unsuccessful. Is there a way to manually add a compiler to my system?
Why don't u get the sun workshop cd & arrange its evaluation licences from sun to install the c compiler.
Mmm... It's so weird.

Which version have you tried? I installed 2.95.3 more 5 times. But I haven't tried 3.0

Some time, I mixed up Intel version and Sparc version.

Good luck.
I have tried a few already. Most recently, I tried 2.95.2 from the link posted by AyJayCee above. After unarchiving, I moved the files into the respective folders. I then tried to compile a version of WU-FTP and I get these internal compiler errors -9 and -11 encountered. This is as close as I have gotten to compiling anything.
Any links in the right direction will be appreciated. I am very new to Solaris.
thanks again.

I'm a little confused. What do you mean "moved"?
I don't know what kind of package it is. But usually, I would "pkgadd" or "pkgtrans" for some very old GCC pkgs.

when I unarchived the gcc, it created a root directory in my user folder. Inside the root, there was a user and inside that was a local folder. Inside that local was a bin and include and lib and so on. I assumed that I needed to move the files with in those folders to the corresponding folders on my /.
move the contents of the new include folder to the "include" folder already found in "/usr/include"
Is that what I am to do?
I did the following test:

First I download that package and unarchive it. (It's 62MB, pretty big.)

#pkgadd -d ./ GNUgcc

Processing package instance <GNUgcc> from </export/home/jerry/source/sparc>

GNU gcc 2.95.2 SPARC 32bit Solaris 8
(sparc) 2.95.2
## Executing checkinstall script.

This package must be installed on a sparc architecture

Aborting installation.

pkgadd: ERROR: checkinstall script did not complete successfully

Installation of <GNUgcc> failed.
No changes were made to the system.

I don't know what's wrong with this package. I would suggest download some other version, at least 2.95.3, because 2.95.2 has some known bug.

umm ... you are definately on a sparc aren't you?
it doesn't have an 'intel inside (tm)' logo on the front? :)

<don's flame proof clothing>

seriously ... when you installed solaris did you install with the 64bit architecture?
if you did then the 32bit package you downloaded won't work ...
it would also explain why the other 32 bit packages failed to install ... if this is the case ... see if you can get hold of a 64bit compiled version, or download the GCC source and compile it yourself.

it is a 64 bit sun blade 100. I think it has a sparc 2 500 chip. Well, It appears that there are no binary versions already built for Sol 8----64 bit. I have clearly seen this on the gnu site. As far as compiling one goes, I can't compile anything unless I have an initial complier installed. That is the loop in which I am now stuck.
Thanks for your help.
You're absolutely right. I have a 64 bit sparc system. So I failed with the 32 bit package.

But I did download gcc from sunfreeware and install it successfully on my machine.

Does it mean the package from sunfreeware is a 64-bit one?

mridul's opinion is not bad idea if you believe you're stuck in a loop.
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