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Need to BCC depts outbound email to dept mgrs account

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Dec 22, 2000
I need to bcc all outbound email from a dept to the dept mgr.
Inbound is the easy one but going out is stumping me....

Exchange Server 5.5 on NT 4.0 Service pk 6a
Client is Outlook 98 to 2002
Outbound goes through exchange but inbound runs via POP3

Appreciate any help on this.


Does the client(s) know about the forwarding?? If they do, you can set up a rule on each client, by using the Rules Wizard, to Put A Copy of the sent message to a folder on the network, which you can give access rights to...
There is an option to CC: all mails as they are sent to someone, but I dont think you want that?? And no, there was none for BCC! Jay~

My new Tae Kwon Do website is up and running!!

Unfortunatly the clients are not aware of the BCC and won't be told of this. Long story short, my first thought was client side rules but it would be discovered.

Any more thoughts?


I dont know straight off hand, Id have to have a look at Exchange, but Im at home now!....
I dont know if it is possible, coz if there was no policy in your company of who mails can or cant be sent to, or what it can contain, then I think it is illegal to do what you want, the whole email privacy thing.... Jay~

My new Tae Kwon Do website is up and running!!

Actually not just corporate policy but Federal Law (my country anyway) permits this as the coporation owns the email and it's use is strictly enforced for business only. Hence the requirments above.
All that aside, I'm now mystfied by this...and somewhat challenged I guess....
What will the Bigwigs come up with next! Feelin a bit like Scotty on the Enterprise some days..... :)

To automatically Bcc all outgoing messages
If you want to have Outlook 2000 automatically add a particular address as a Bcc to all outgoing items, put this VBA code in the built-in ThisOutlookSession module (Press Alt+F11 to get to the VBA development environment):

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim objMe As Recipient

Set objMe = Item.Recipients.Add("myaddress@mydomain.dom")

objMe.Type = olBCC


Set objMe = Nothing

End Sub

Make sure you substitute the right e-mail address for "myaddress@mydomain.dom."

This second version that handles the case where you have the Outlook Email Security Update or Outlook 2002 and don't click Yes on the dialog that pops up or where you specify a name, rather than an SMTP address, for the Bcc recipient and the name cannot be resolved.

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim objRecip As Recipient

Dim strMsg As String

Dim res As Integer

' #### USER OPTIONS ####

' address for Bcc -- must be SMTP address or resolvable

' to a name in the address book

strBcc = "someone@somewhere.dom"

On Error Resume Next

Set objRecip = Item.Recipients.Add(strBcc)

' handle case of user canceling Outlook security dialog

If Err = 287 Then

strMsg = "Could not add a Bcc recipient " & _

"because the user said No to the security prompt." & _

" Do you want still to send the message?"

res = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, _

"Security Prompt Cancelled")

If res = vbNo Then

Cancel = True



End If



objRecip.Type = olBCC


If Not objRecip.Resolved Then

strMsg = "Could not resolve the Bcc recipient. " & _

"Do you want still to send the message?"

res = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, _

"Could Not Resolve Bcc Recipient")

If res = vbNo Then

Cancel = True

End If

End If

End If

Set objRecip = Nothing

End Sub

The two rules for success are:
1. Never tell them everything you know.

I goofed, I shouldn't have just pasted in that code. :~/ What you all need to do is read all about it at:

be sure to read the link:

where you have the Outlook Email Security Update

In Microsoft Exchange Server environments, administrators can customize the security settings

This is a complicated thing to do and one must know where one is headed before one starts down this path! The two rules for success are:
1. Never tell them everything you know.
Thanks :)

I'll give it a whirl....going down that path is something we all know too well....so much for my "Yeah, I can knock that off no problem...."

Time to roll up the sleeves, :)

To rjkrash

Thanks, works good except for one small issue. When outlook opens on the client end it prompts with "this outlook session contains macros, do you want to continue?"

Any chance I could avoid this??

That's what all the other stuff/links tell you about. You can set up secutity policies that are checked by each user that allows this particular macro to run and avoid the prompts..

The third link above tells the tale. Happy admining.

This seems like a lot of work for the ability to snoop on users. WHose going to read all thei email anyway! Unless you are the NSA or the CIA or something. :)

Merry Christmas and Good Will To All Men.

The two rules for success are:
1. Never tell them everything you know.

Thanks rjkrash

I agree :) .... i guess one mans corner store is another mans CIA.... apparently perception is reality here!! :)

Merry Christmas!!

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