This is the setup I am using right now. I have a Cisco 1600 router two 48port hp procure 2650 and a windows 2000 server running DHCP.
Internally I am running an addressing scheme of
192.168.0.x I am all most out.
I would like to be able to divide the address into 3 groups if i can but not sure how to do it. because my boss wants to be bale to see all of them from the network.
I was thinking of changing our subnetting to
Then out of that
192.168.1.x Use for office PC keep this range for the DHCP
192.168.2.x Things that just hang off the network
192.168.3.x For another group Would this stay the same for all???
how would i set this all up in DHCP. So they can all talk to another.