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need regex help again.

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Technical User
Jan 4, 2002

I'm trying to write an expression to pickup the following line in a data file:

0 0 0 360 0.2 12 9.1

The following expression works but I’m not sure why:


I thought this expression would work but it doesn’t :(


Need help,

Its quite useful to use the 'x' modifier to explain complex regular expressions:
while (<DATA>) {
    if (/^         # start of line
        \s         # a single whitespace
        (          # start grouping
        [0-9]{1,}  # 1 or more digits
        \s{5}      # exactly 5 spaces
        )          # end grouping
        /x) {
        print "matched 1\n";
    if (/^         # start of line
        \s         # a single whitespace
        (          # start grouping
        [0-9]{1,}  # 1 or more digits
        \s         # a single whitespace
        )          # end grouping
        {4}        # grouping occurs exactly 4 times
        [0-9]{1,}  # 1 or more digits
        \.         # a decimal point
        (          # start grouping
        [0-9]{1,}  # one or more digits
        \s         # a single whitespace
        )          # end grouping
        {2}        # grouping occurs exactly 2 times
        [0-9]{1,}  # 1 or more digits
        \.         # a decimal point
        [0-9]{1,}  # 1 or more digits
        /x) {
        print "matched 2\n";
 0     0     0      360     0.2   12       9.1
This reports "matched 1" only. I think there's a few errors in your second regexp.
Cheers, Neil
Here's a modified version of the regexp which should work:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

while (<DATA>) {
    if (/^         # start of line
        \s         # a single whitespace
        (          # start grouping
        [0-9]+     # 1 or more digits
        \s+        # 1 or more whitespace
        )          # end grouping
        {4}        # grouping occurs exactly 4 times
        [0-9]+     # 1 or more digits
        \.         # a decimal point
        (          # start grouping
        [0-9]+     # 1 or more digits
        \s+        # 1 or more whitespace
        )          # end grouping
        {2}        # grouping occurs exactly 2 times
        [0-9]+     # 1 or more digits
        \.         # a decimal point
        [0-9]+     # 1 or more digits
        /x) {
        print "matched\n";

    # same line as above without 'x' modifier
    if (/^\s([0-9]+\s+){4}[0-9]+\.([0-9]+\s+){2}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) {
        print "matched\n";
 0     0     0      360     0.2   12       9.1
Cheers, Neil
This regex will match the line you gave, but to make it more specific, you'll need to post a little more of the info from your file.

$_ = '0     0     0      360     0.2   12       9.1';
print if (/^([\d.]+\s*){7}$/)
I didn't notice the white space at the beginning of the line - this should work better:

$_ = '0     0     0      360     0.2   12       9.1';
my @arrayOfValues = split(/\s+/);

$arrayOfValues[0] = 0,
$arrayOfValues[1] = 0,
$arrayOfValues[2] = 0,
$arrayOfValues[3] = 360,


Assuming you only want lines containing 7 numeric elements:
use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
    if ((my @line = m|(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|g) == 7) {
        print join("\t", @line), "\n";

 0     0     0      360     0.2   12       9.1
1 2 3 4 5
7 8.2 5 14.75 -1 0 8.9
0       0       0       360     0.2     12      9.1
7       8.2     5       14.75   -1      0       8.9
The re says:
1. Optional leading -
2. One or more digits
3. Optional decimal point and one or more digits. The ?: means don't capture the decimal and following digits as a separate field.


it would be nice to come back and recognise these peeplz efforts, so they don't get pi$$ed 0ff, and dance on other people, we;re here to help, not get 91553d on.

If you had an account with me, I'd charge you 4 times, plus a percentage/margin/whatever/they/call/it/now

B nice

I always make it a point to thank/recognise those who have helped me. I got tied up with a couple emergencies yesterday otherwise I would have responded sooner…I apologize.


Thank you to everyone who helped me yesterday, my understanding of regex is a little better now. Special thanks to Toolkit for breaking things down into a simpler form and pointing out my mistakes.

I’m working on an inventory project where I have to collect the CPU information for several SUN Servers that display their CPU information as follows:

Data file 1 (4 CPU's)


Brd CPU Module MHz MB Impl. Mask
--- --- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----
SYS 0 0 400 4.0 US-II 10.0
SYS 1 1 400 4.0 US-II 10.0
SYS 2 2 400 4.0 US-II 10.0
SYS 3 3 400 4.0 US-II 9.0


or as in my original example:

Data file 2 (1 CPU)


Brd CPU Module MHz MB Impl. Mask
--- --- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----
0 0 0 360 0.2 12 9.1


My immediate requirement was the CPU count, so in the end I used the following regular expressions to count each line in the data file, which worked!

For data file 1


For data file 2


I’m sure the expression could be more efficient but I thought I would come up with my own work first (based on the examples provided) then look at the answers provided and tweak later…

Thanks again folks!

Hey guys,

What does the $ at the end of the expression mean?

$_ = '0 0 0 360 0.2 12 9.1';
print if (/^\s([\d.]+\s*){7}$/)


From perlretut:
The anchor ^ means match at the beginning of the string and the anchor $ means match at the end of the string ...
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Part and Inventory Search

