Hi guys and gals,
Sorry for the newbie-type question, but I haven't found the answer elsewhere.
A company I do some work for recently relocated one of their databases to a remote server, which we access through SQLOLEDB, with the IP address as the data source in the connection string. I believe the db was created using the db recreation scripts, then restored from a backup.
The VB application that maintains the membership db is now unable to add rows to a table, using a stored procedure that's accessed through ADO, like this:
Trying to set the first parameter's value to lngMemberNo triggers the error message you get when you refer to a column name that doesn't exist, something like "Item name or ordinal number not found in the collection", or some such.
I've confirmed that the SP exists on the remote db, and the parameter names all match. When I set the connection back to the "old" local db, it works fine.
Do I need to give the application's user login specific permission to execute stored procedures, or add rows to tables? If so, can I do that through Enterprise Manager, or would it have to be done by someone who has admin privs to the db locally?
TIA for any advice you can offer.
Sorry for the newbie-type question, but I haven't found the answer elsewhere.
A company I do some work for recently relocated one of their databases to a remote server, which we access through SQLOLEDB, with the IP address as the data source in the connection string. I believe the db was created using the db recreation scripts, then restored from a backup.
The VB application that maintains the membership db is now unable to add rows to a table, using a stored procedure that's accessed through ADO, like this:
Dim cmdTemp As New ADODB.Command
With cmdTemp
.ActiveConnection = DB.TransAction
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "SP_ADD1_MEMBER"
.Parameters("@MemberNo") = lngMemberNo
.Parameters("@FirstName") = strFirstName
.Parameters("@LastName") = strLastName
.Parameters("@UserName") = strUserNameHold
End With
I've confirmed that the SP exists on the remote db, and the parameter names all match. When I set the connection back to the "old" local db, it works fine.
Do I need to give the application's user login specific permission to execute stored procedures, or add rows to tables? If so, can I do that through Enterprise Manager, or would it have to be done by someone who has admin privs to the db locally?
TIA for any advice you can offer.