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Need info on 6 party Meet Me Conferencing 2

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Feb 17, 2002
This is supposedly a new/enhanced feature in R11 but you need Avaya MultiVantage Enhanced Software from what I hear.

If it works the way I understand it, the caller can dial into the PBX, hear an announcement, dial a number to any dedicated 'conference' and join. It would basically eliminate the need for external conferences from AT&T etc, and save some money.

Can someone give me more info on what options you need (i.e. vectoring, etc.) and how to program and use the feature?
Users with multi-appearance phones
The following description only applies to systems with deluxe paging. To page
and park an active call simultaneously, users with a multi-appearance phone press
Transfer, dial the trunk access code + an extension number where the call will be
parked, make the announcement, and press Transfer again. The paged party dials
the answer back feature access code + the extension number and is connected
directly to the parked call. If the paging user ends the page by pressing
Conference instead of Transfer, they are conferenced with the parked caller and
both are connected in a 3-way conference with the paged user when he or she
responds. This is called “Meet-Me Conferencing.”

It is a bundled feature now in the R11 software.

That was R10...

In R11...(I hope this frames correctly or you will have to look at AVAYA document 555-230-715)

Meet-me Conference
This field appears only if, on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen,
the Enhanced Conferencing field is y. This field determines if the VDN is a
Meet-me Conference VDN.
If the VDN extension is part of your DID block, external users will be able
to access the conference VDN. If the VDN extension is not part of your DID
block, only internal callers on the your network (including DCS or QSIG) or
remote access callers can access the conference VDN.
Valid entries Usage
y/n Enter y to enable Meet-me Conference for this VDN. If
Meet-me Conference is y, only Extension, Name, Vector
Number, Meet-me Conference, COR, and TN fields display
and the fields for page 2 change.
Both Attendant Vectoring and Meet-me Conference cannot be
enabled at the same time.
If Enhanced Conferencing is y, but no other vectoring options
are enabled, only Meet-me Conference vectors can be assigned.

When the Meet-me Conf field is enabled, the collect vector step has been modified to
collect the next six digits and use those digits as the access code for a Meet-me
Conference call. Though not required, the digits can be collected after a recorded

The VDN:

To create a Meet-me Conference VDN (using example VDN 36090):
1. Enter:
add vdn 36090
The system displays the VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER screen:
add vdn 36090 Page 1 of 2 SPE A
Extension: 36090
Name: Meet-me VDN
Vector Number: 90
Meet-me Conference? y
COR: 1
TN: 1

2. Enter a name, a vector number, and enter y in the Meet-me Conference field.
3. Press NEXTPAGE to display page 2.
The system displays page 2 of the VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER screen:
add vdn 36090 Page 2 of 2 SPE A
Conference Access Code: 937821
Conference Controller: 80378

4. Enter a conference access code. If you do not want an access code, leave the field
blank. Once an access code is assigned, an asterisk displays in this field for
subsequent change, display, or remove operations by all users except the “init”
superuser login.
You should always assign an access code to a Meet-me Conference VDN.
5. Enter a conference controller extension. If an extension number is entered, a user at
that extension can change the access code for the Meet-me Conference VDN using a
feature access code. If this field is blank, only a station user that is assigned with
console permissions can change the access code for the Meet-me Conference VDN
using a feature access code. In addition, remote access users can change a Meet-me
Conference access code using the feature access code.
6. Press ENTER to submit the VDN.

The Vector:

To create a Meet-me Conference vector (using example vector number 90):
1. Enter:
change vector 90
The system displays the CALL VECTOR screen.
2. Enter y in the Meet-me Conf field. This designates the vector as a Meet-me
Conference vector.
3. Create a vector as shown in the following example:

change vector 90 Page 1 of 3 SPE A
Number: 90 Name: Meet-me Vec
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? y Lock? y
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? n ANI/II-Digits? n ASAI Routing? n
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? n CINFO? n BSR? n Holidays? n
01 collect 6 digits after announcement 12340
02 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
03 collect 6 digits after announcement 12341
04 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
05 disconnect after announcement 12342
06 goto step 11 if meet-me-idle
07 goto step 14 if meet-me-full
08 announcement 12343
09 route-to meetme
10 stop
12 route-to meetme
13 stop
14 disconnect after announcement 12345
15 stop

4. Press ENTER to submit the vector.

Sorry vector line 11 missing

11 announcement 12344

01 collect 6 digits after announcement 12340
02 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
03 collect 6 digits after announcement 12341
04 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
05 disconnect after announcement 12342
06 goto step 11 if meet-me-idle
07 goto step 14 if meet-me-full
08 announcement 12343
09 route-to meetme
10 stop
11 announcement 12344
12 route-to meetme
13 stop
14 disconnect after announcement 12345
15 stop

(Mark If Useful!!)
This is brilliant! Big thanks to you!

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

Just one question;

How did you know about AVAYA document 555-230-715? I searched the BP website and came up with nothing.

Is there another library somewhere?
So how many can join together in the meet-me conference.
Is it still limited to 6?
hey netcon

I just got upgraded to multivanatge v.11 and am trying to setup this step by step vectoring you provided. I have EAS-PHD with full vectoring options and am running into a problem when writing the vector as you described. It gives me no option for the following statements:

goto step xx if meet-me-idle(meet-me-idle is not an option)
goto step xx if meet-me-full(same here)

The option for that command simply does not exist in my vectoring options!?

I could however complete this one:

goto step xx if digits = meet-me-access. (it knows what this one is though -->meet-me-access.

Any idea why some of the meet-me commands are there and others are not. I have the options in my vdn and vector and have them checked to yes.

What load of software? I seem to remember a bug in earlier loads where you needed to press enter and save the vector. Then you could go back in and "change vector XX" and then the commands would be there. -CL
hmmm, you may be onto something there.

software load : R011i. G3si

I now can use the command route to meetme, but I do not have the ability to use these commands:

goto step xx if meet-me-idle(meet-me-idle is not an option)
goto step xx if meet-me-full(same here)

I just did my first basic test with meet-me and it worked ok.

Question, can the system do multiple 6 person conferencing, or just the one meet-me conference with max of 6 persons?
It can do multiple 6 person conferences up to the max time-slots of the system. You just can't have more than 6 in a single conference. -CL
Very cool! multiple 6 person conference calling.

What form do I view to see my maximum time slots?

Is it the maximum queue slots as noted below?


Used Available Limit

Groups/Splits/Skills: 74 25 99

Administered Logical Agents: 89 1411 1500

Administered Logical Agent-Skill Pairs: 586 5414 6000

Logged-In ACD Agents: 47 253 300

Logged-In Advocate Agents: 0 300 300

Logged-In IP Softphone Agents: 0 10 10

Group Members Per System: 269 731 1000

CMS Measured ACD Members: 245 755 1000

Queue Slots Per System: 1157 343 1500<-----------

Queue/Call Status Buttons: 510 3978 4516+

No, just the maximum number of timeslots available per port network. 241 simultaneous calls per port network. It's a TDM capacity issue, nothing specifically to do with meet-me vectors. -CL
You'll probably run out of trunks before you run out of time slots. You can use list measurements load-balancing total (today, yesterday, last-hour) to monitor time slot usage.

So basically just consider each caller on meet-me taking up one slot in my voice T1 like any other caller. Simple as that?
Avaya does have a patch for Meet Me. It is patch 4819
To get more than 6 people in your conference, make 2 conference's of 5 callers each and use 1 line in each to join the 2 together through an outside call

So join conference A with Conference B via a outgoing line 9,xxx-xxxx. So yes you will use a few more lines but you get more people in!
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