Hi all,
I have a database I designed for use on my job. The database works similar to a college regsitration system. Student A will have the same ID but will attend various classes throughout his/her 4 yrs of college.
My database has the following tables:
Participant Table: partID(prim key) and contact info.
Registered Trainings: regTrainID(prim key), partID(foreign key)
From the Reg Trainings table there are links to the class schedules and locations etc. which I don't think are relevant to the problem I'm having.
Now that the first year is completed I am receiving registrations for the second year and both with new participants and returning participants. The problem is that I can't add new registrations to the returning participants. Access tells me I would be creating a duplicate primary key. The partID in the Reg Table should have duplicates at least that's what I'd like to have happen. The only way the dbase works is if I remove partID in the participant table as the primary key.
I hope I've made this situation clear. I look forward to everyone's comments and suggestions.
I have a database I designed for use on my job. The database works similar to a college regsitration system. Student A will have the same ID but will attend various classes throughout his/her 4 yrs of college.
My database has the following tables:
Participant Table: partID(prim key) and contact info.
Registered Trainings: regTrainID(prim key), partID(foreign key)
From the Reg Trainings table there are links to the class schedules and locations etc. which I don't think are relevant to the problem I'm having.
Now that the first year is completed I am receiving registrations for the second year and both with new participants and returning participants. The problem is that I can't add new registrations to the returning participants. Access tells me I would be creating a duplicate primary key. The partID in the Reg Table should have duplicates at least that's what I'd like to have happen. The only way the dbase works is if I remove partID in the participant table as the primary key.
I hope I've made this situation clear. I look forward to everyone's comments and suggestions.