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How to extract Access table schema with decimal places on numeric fields?

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Dec 2, 2013
In a VBA module within an Access database I am trying to create a query which needs the schema information for a table. I can get the field names, type and size but cannot get the decimal places for the various numeric types. Anyone have a clue how to get the field properties as seen in design mode?

Following are a couple of failed tries which do not give me the decimal places for the various fields.
Private Function GetSchema1(tcTable As String)
Dim oDatabase As Database, oTabledef As TableDef
Set oDatabase = CurrentDb()
Set oTabledef = oDatabase.TableDefs(tcTable)

For Each oField In oTabledef.Fields
   a = 1
Next oField
End Function

Private Function CreateSQL(tcTable As String)
Dim cSQL As String, oDatabase As Database, oRecordset As Recordset
cSQL = "SELECT * FROM " + tcTable + " WHERE 1=0"
Set oDatabase = CurrentDb()
Set oRecordset = oDatabase.OpenRecordset(cSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
Dim iFields As Integer, oField As Object, cFieldName As String
For iFields = 0 To oRecordset.Fields.Count - 1
   Set oField = oRecordset.Fields(iFields)
   With oField
   cFieldName = .Name
   Select Case .Type
   Case Is = dbBigInt
   End With
Next iFields
End Function
TIA, Mark
Your code needs...
For iFields = 0 To oRecordset.Fields.Count - 1
   Set oField = oRecordset.Fields(iFields)
   With oField
      cFieldName = .Name
      Select Case .Type
         Case Is = dbBigInt[b]
      End Select[/b]
   End With
Next iFields


[glasses]Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance![tongue]

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible" A. Einstein
Some field properties such as format are not available until after you have set them.

You can do a simple test to find properties with code like the following which is not meant for production and will error out if allowed.

Sub PrintProperties(strTable As String, strField As String)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim td As DAO.TableDef
    Dim fd As DAO.Field
    Dim intProp As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set td = db.TableDefs(strTable)
    Set fd = td.Fields(strField)
    For intProp = 1 To fd.Properties.Count
        Debug.Print fd.Properties(intProp).Name, fd.Properties(intProp).Value
    Set fd = Nothing
    Set td = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP 2001-2016
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