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Need help with recordset.

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Technical User
May 23, 2001
I'm new to SQL. I have a page that is requesing an memberID from another page. It takes it inserts it into a table and displays the members info. it used to be a number, but i am switching it to text and it's not working. The database record has been set to text. I would really appreciate any help. thanks,

the error is with this line...

RS.Open "SELECT * FROM Members WHERE memberID=" & "member_ID"

--------------------------------here's the code-----

' Get the Member ID
member_ID = Request( &quot;mid&quot; )

' Open the Database Connection
Set Con = Server.CreateObject( &quot;ADODB.Connection&quot; )
Con.Open &quot;jobs&quot;

' Open the Recordset
Set RS = Server.CreateObject( &quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot; )
RS.ActiveConnection = Con
RS.CursorType = 3
RS.Open &quot;SELECT * FROM Members WHERE memberID=&quot; & &quot;member_ID&quot;
first_Name = RS( &quot;firstName&quot; )
last_Name = RS( &quot;lastName&quot; )
email_mem = RS( &quot;email&quot; )
phone_mem = RS( &quot;phone&quot; )
address_mem = RS( &quot;address&quot; )
city_mem = RS( &quot;city&quot; )
state_mem = RS( &quot;state&quot; )
zipMem = RS( &quot;zip&quot; )
' Close the Recordset
Yo need to query using the value of member_ID not the string &quot;member_ID&quot;. You must also delimit the criteria with ' to indicate data type test.

RS.Open &quot;SELECT * FROM Members WHERE memberID='&quot; &
member_ID & &quot;'&quot; Terry

;-) I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough. -Albert Einstein

SQL Article links:
Hey, I appreciate the reply.

I tried to use what you told me and I get a script error.
Hey, Here's the code:
(It's saying script error and pointing to this line -->

RS.Open &quot;SELECT * FROM Members WHERE memberID='&quot; &
member_ID & &quot;'&quot;

The page before this one is sending the variable MBR-000005, to this page as mid. <a href=&quot;updatemember.asp?mid=MBR-000005&quot;>Update your profile</a> I'm doing this just to test this page. It's eventually going to be a session variable.


---- code ---------------------------------------

' Get the Member ID
member_ID = Request( &quot;mid&quot; )

' Open the Database Connection
Set Con = Server.CreateObject( &quot;ADODB.Connection&quot; )
Con.Open &quot;jobs&quot;

' Open the Recordset
Set RS = Server.CreateObject( &quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot; )
RS.ActiveConnection = Con
RS.CursorType = 3
RS.Open &quot;SELECT * FROM Members WHERE memberID='&quot; &
member_ID & &quot;'&quot;
first_Name = RS( &quot;firstName&quot; )
last_Name = RS( &quot;lastName&quot; )
email_mem = RS( &quot;email&quot; )
phone_mem = RS( &quot;phone&quot; )
address_mem = RS( &quot;address&quot; )
city_mem = RS( &quot;city&quot; )
state_mem = RS( &quot;state&quot; )
zipMem = RS( &quot;zip&quot; )
' Close the Recordset

FUNCTION SELECTED( firstVal, secondVal )
IF cSTR( firstVal ) = cSTR( secondVAL ) THEN
SELECTED = &quot; SELECTED &quot;

<head><title>Update Member Profile </title></head>
<body bgcolor=&quot;gray&quot;>

<form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;managemembers.asp&quot;>

<table width=&quot;600&quot; border=1 bgcolor=&quot;lightyellow&quot;
cellpadding=&quot;4&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot;>
<td colspan=&quot;2&quot; bgcolor=&quot;yellow&quot;>
<font face=&quot;Arial&quot; size=&quot;3&quot;><b>
Update Product
<b> First Name:</b>
<input name=&quot;first_Name&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( first_Name )%>&quot;>
<b> Last Name:</b>
<input name=&quot;last_Name&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( last_Name )%>&quot;>

<input name=&quot;email_mem&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( email_mem )%>&quot;>
<input name=&quot;phone_mem&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( phone_mem )%>&quot;>
<input name=&quot;address_mem&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( address_mem )%>&quot;>

<input name=&quot;city_mem&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;50&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( city_mem )%>&quot;>

<input name=&quot;state_mem&quot;
size=&quot;50&quot; maxlength=&quot;2&quot;
value=&quot;<%=Server.HTMLEncode( state_mem )%>&quot;>

<b>Zip Code:</b><br>
*numbers only
<input name=&quot;zipMem&quot; size=&quot;10&quot;
<td colspan=2 align=&quot;right&quot;>
<input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Update Member&quot;>

<input name=&quot;member_ID&quot; type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;<%=member_ID%>&quot;>
<input name=&quot;updateMember&quot; type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;>

Actually, It says &quot;Syntax error&quot; and points to that line.
I'm not very familiar with opening recordsets from a web page. Is it possible that the rs.open statemnt syntax is incomplete or in error rather than the SQL statement causing the error? The SQL statement appears to be valid. Terry

;-) He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help. -Abraham Lincoln

SQL Article links:
I'm gonna check on that. The weird thing is that it works when I send the variable through as say &quot;12345&quot;, a number, and have the column in the database set to number. But when I change the column to text and try to sent the variable through as MBR-12345, it chokes.
Try leaving your recordset open, not closing it, what happens then?
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