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Need help with PC "freezing up" problem...

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May 19, 2002

This problem is driving me crazy!!!!! Anyone to help me solve this issue, YOU WILL BE MY HERO for LIFE.

Here is my problem:
My PC very, very randomly just freezes up. For no reason. I could be clicking on a window, selecting a file in Windows Explore, using a program and opening a menu, writing a text doc.... It does not matter what I am doing or NOT doing, maybe 2-3 times a week, my PC just locks up and does nothing. I have to hit reset to continue.
Ctrl-Alt-delete does nothing.

I don't think it is a software issue, because my pc runs fine (except for when it locks up).
I'm on my PC about 10-20 a day, try to leave it on 24-7. I have my own company and work from home as a web developer. I have lots of software on the PC. And like I said, it has locked up when 1 app is open or when 10 are opended.
I have gone for a week without any problems and it has locked up 3 time in one day.

I put the machine together in January of this year, which it includes the following:

-win 2K pro
-abit kt7 raid board
-1 256 crucial simm, 1 128 simm
-2 hard drives (not using raid)
-1 gig athalon chip
-hp burner
-plain cd drive

I've tested the memory with Simtester memory doc software, it checked out okay.
I installed mother board monitor, that is how I noticed the core 1 voltage reading flucuates a tad bit. (not sure if that matters, it flucuates less than 7%)
Temp. never goes above 45 degrees C. (however it does move up/down a lot and very fast.)

I've seen the temp go from 35 to 45 and back to 40 in less than a minute. Is that normal? It happens if I run certain programs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent, stop, or find cause of this "freezing or locking up" problem?

I appreciate any help!!
Well, my pc has not "froze" up all week.

Not sure if it is because I change the video stuff or
because I have not logged off the pc.


1. after reading all the GREAT suggestions and ideas. i have only a couple of comments.
it runs OK now . but u have not logged off. ok NP
2. voltage movement any thing can cause that. elec heater, AC, toaster,coffee pot, blender, etc etc. PS for computers are highly over rated. NP. normally.
3. video and memory are the major problems with FREEZE UPs'
since 1985 (retired comp tech) i recommend either MemTurboII or Memkit3.1 for Memory management. after installing either one of them. almost 99.9% FREEZE ups have stopped.. As we all know windows has a very bad memory management system. PS: i also have removed/disabled scheduler.(mine and customers). reason it takes preference over all else. and when it wants to do something well the computer sorts of "FREEZES". i also have found the some DEFRAGMENT programs when they are scheduled will "FREEZE" the computer (when it really is WORKING). recommend that when the computer "FREEZES" sit down, shut up get a cup of coffee or glass of tea. and wait "5 min" and see if it unfreezes by it self. 99.9% of all FREEZES will clear. Frank Smith
"SomeWhere in Kansas--"Near Dodge City"
I would suggest to backup your important data, as some hard drives lockup a few times over a couple of months before the go altogeather.
Yikes, ur right but also u forgotto tell him if your HD starts making noise any noise other than normal... GET A NEW ONE and "is your freeze up HD making noises?"

Frank Smith
"SomeWhere in Kansas--"Near Dodge City"
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