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Need Help With Initial Programming IPO 500V2 R9 1

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Jan 18, 2014
Hello, new user to tek tips however I have used this forum often when searching for answers to issues. I am trying to get familiarized with the IP Office 500V2 R9. I have previous experience with Avaya Definity, Partner and several other product lines. I have a system to work with and a few phones, all of them IP. After spending a couple hours poking around IP Office Manager, I have a few questions I was wondering if someone could help me with.

I am having trouble figuring out how a particular phone set is associated with an Extension or User in IPO. I have configured a couple of test extensions and users but I cannot figure out how the system knows what configuration load to send to the IP phone since there is no field to enter the MAC address of the phone set. Is there some sort of programming sequence that must be done on the phone, like TTI was on Definity? Or is there a field to define the MAC address in the Extension config screen. Since this is a lab environment, I am using the default system IP and have DHCP running on the IPO. I am able to get a phone powered on and talking to the IPO but as stated cannon figure out how to associate the phone set with extension in the system.

I am using 9630G, 9611G and 9608 phone sets. Will these phones sets support SIP or H.323? If so does SIP work the best with these phone sets?

Also, I have one PRI card and the setup for that seems pretty straightforward. One thing I am wondering is how you define a dial plan in this system. Example- how to I program the logic to send 9.704XXXXXXX to the PRI gateway and strip pre dot?

I am using 4 digit extensions on the system that match the DNIS being sent down the PRI. Will the system automatically route calls to these extensions or hunt groups properly without defining a single inbound rule for each DID/Extension?

If the IP Phone starts up it get a ip address from ip office and further necessery ip addresses. When th boot process is complete it will ask you to enter a extension number. If that extension exists in Manager then you can register the phone with that number, if a user exist with the same telephone number then the user will be logged on at that extension and you can use the phone.

All Avaya IP Phones use H.323, no SIP.

To dial out you configure shortcodes in system and ARS.
If you need to have the 9 as access code for external line access then you need to change the defaul system shortcode ?/./Dial to 9N/N/Dial. The line number will point to 50:Main, that is the default ARS table.
In ARS 50:Main you have a default shortcode which points to Line ID 0, that is the Outgoing Line ID of the PRI.

For DDI to work it depends on the number received from the provider, if they send four digits as the DDI number then no additional programming is required.
In any other case you need to define the incoming DDI number in the Incoming Call Route table where the DDI number is the number received from the provider and the Destination is the user/group/shortcode to ring.
There is a tool called MSN configuration in Manager that simplifies ICR programming, try it.

Here is what you need to know:

1. Program your telephone system users in the USER tab of Manager. You give them their names, full names, and extensions. Ex: John Smith, extension 100.

2. Next, associate your USER extensions (that you just created above) to the EXTENSION tab of Manager. If you are using VoIP phones, you will need to have VoIP EXTENSIONS (EXTENSION tab/folder). Ex: VoIP Base Extension ID 800, Base Extension: (USER extension) 100 (from example above, John Smith, extension 100 is tied to VoIP Base Extension ID 800).

3. Like Avaya CM and TTI, you can do 'hot desking' in Avaya IP Office. Go to the SYSTEM SHORTCODES and right click, create a new shortcode:
A. CODE: *#1XX (the '*' then '#' is a standard that I personally have used for 10 years. The '1XX' signifies any extension in the range of 100 can log into their telephone by pressing *#1XX)
B. FEATURE: Extn Login
C. TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1N*1N (I make the password the same as the USER extension, so this code just verifies the extension number against the login password. This makes it easy to do a mass "TTI" sequence without having to enter individual TTI codes for each USER)

4. In the USER tab, go to TELEPHONY>SUPERVISOR SETTINGS>and in the Login Code field type the USER's extension that you gave them (in my example it would be '100' for John Smith). Save and Merge.

If you get your telephone pointed in the right direction and it can authenticate with the Avaya IP500, then the phone will come up and say 'Extn Login' or something similar. At that point you can either:

1. Type in *#100 (which should log John Smith in)


2. Hit 100 on the telephone (then next or OK - whatever the phone says), then it will most likely ask you for the password, type that in and hit OK and then it should register and come on line for you.

H.323 is best. You get the full feature functionality set from Avaya by using H.323.

1. You first have to program a 'LINE' in IP Office Manager. For directions on programming a PRI, read the IP Office Administrator guide. Make sure whatever 'Line Number' you give it, you use it in the directions below in 2D.

2. In the system ARS folder, there is either a default ARS entry or you can right click and create one. In my example, I will make the ARS Route ID '50' (per the example below in 3D) and the Route Name is 'Main' (per 3D below as well). In the table section (Code, Telephone Number, Feature, Line Group ID), you need to 'add' an entry similar to this:
A. Code: N;
B. Feature: Dial
C. Telephone Number: N
D. Line Group ID: (whatever line group you created in Step 1 above)

3. In the SYSTEM SHORTCODE tab, make sure you have an entry like this:

Unlike Definity (Avaya CM), you have to specify which DNIS are routed where, even if you have a 'USER' or 'extension' with that same DNIS. Therefore, please visit 'INCOMING CALL ROUTES' in Manager. The 3 most important entries to visit are:
1. Line Group ID (enter the same Line Group ID that you made in Step 1 'DEFINING A DIAL PLAN')
2. Incoming Number: (this is your DNIS. If your service provider is sending 10 digits, you may still elect to enter just 4 - the last 4 digits of the number)
3. Destinations tab>Destination entry - select the user that should receive the phone call

That hopefully should get you started. :)
Thank you for the detailed instructions!

So just to be clear, after I create the user, is there something specific I need to do to associate the User to Extension or do I just create an extension that matches the one entered when the user was created and same it. I just looked and I don't see any kind of drop down in the Extension config tabs to associate that ext with the user that was created.

I assume all of the phone info will populate once the phone registers?

The system seems to automatically assign 8000-up as the Extension ID. Just out of curiosity is there a good reason the Ext ID is not the same as the Extension number? Just seems a little confusing for them to add another ID for an extension number, that's all. Are there any .cfg files out there that are example configurations?

One other question, it seems like many of the fairly basic system changes require a system reboot when applied. I have never seen this, even on something as simple as a Partner. Does this cause problems for people trying to do live administration on these systems? Just seems a bit inconvenient and confused as to why it was designed this way. Maybe I am missing something.

Thanks Again!

Yes. After creating the user and giving the user an internal extension, like '100', you must go to the EXTENSION folder in the configuration list (along left side of Manager). If this is for a VoIP phone, you are correct Avaya always starts their random, arbitrary VoIP Base Extension IDs with '8000.'

In the '8000' Base Extension ID, please assign a user's extension (ex: 100) to the '8000'. You will enter '100' into the Base Extension entry of that 8000 station.

When you log into the telephone, yes all of the user's programming will follow it.

Keep in mind, the 8000 range is just an internal VoIP Base extension range that is created automatically for you. The 8000 base extension ID range still needs an actual 'user extension' for it to work. That is where you put in the 'Base Extension', which is truly the 'user extension', in this case '100'. Make sense? I guess the nomenclature makes sense to Avaya, I made several recommendations years ago to change it. I should know better (no one really listens).

Yes, there are some folders that when you visit them and make changes will require a system reboot (less than 90 seconds) - like 'System' folder, or 'Line' folder, and sometimes 'Extension' folder, etc.

Welcome to IPO world. :)
Thanks Again for the help!

As a follow up to your post above-

"2. Hit 100 on the telephone (then next or OK - whatever the phone says), then it will most likely ask you for the password, type that in and hit OK and then it should register and come on line for you."

Regarding this extension/password that it asks for when the phone boots up; Where is this specific password defined? These users will be not be hot desking. I simply want to associate the phone with the extension permanently even if the phone is unplugged and plugged back in. Is this password defined in the User tab of the user profile or Telephony>Supervisor tab of the User record? Or is it located somewhere else?

Once the phone is tied to the ext, will it automatically regegister as the same extension even if unplugged and plugged back in? Or does the Login have to be done every time?

By defaut there is no password for a phone to register, and if user has no password set ( user>telephony>supervisor ) then the user is automaticly assigned to that sttion. Permanantly (unless the phone is defaulted to factory setting).
Thanks for the info! One more question for now. When I install this it will be on a flat network with no vlans. I am assuming the default IP address the IPO has may not be compatible with their network. Am I correct to say all I will need him to do is assign me a new static address for the control unit? The network is providing DHCP but how will I tell the phones to look for the new address when registering instead of the the phones look for by default?
The IPO need a fixed IP Address and their DHCP serer needs to be configured for Avaya IP Phones.
read this or watch this video to help you with configuring a Windows DHCP server for Avaya ip phones
Jason, many thing are the same for the Avaya phones like option 242 or a file server.
You mentioned reboots. Only major changes like system settings (which should not change often) require a reboot.
Normal changed can be merged.
Although the IPO and the CM are Avaya there are big differences :)


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Thanks for all the great help so far. I have everything programmed and working. DHCP worked great and phones associated to IPO like a champ. I am waiting for the PRI to be turned up. Once the PRI is turned up, does IPO offer a way to define the Caller ID number being sent out to the PSTN? What does it send by default? Just the 4 digit DID? I am using a 4 digit dialplan so everyone only has to remember one 4 digit extension. So their 4 digit extension IS their DID.

It depends what your provider wants.
Over here (the Netherlands) we send the full number.
You can do this with a shortcode in the ARS or user shortcode like this:

NS101234567 (this is number 010-1234567)
Line id Trunk or ARS

When you do this in the ARS then all users sends this number.
When you do this on the user then the ARS shold not have NSxxxxxx but only N
The S is for Send the number.
Here are the options you can use:

Short Code Characters

Each short code, regardless of its type, has the following fields:

· Short Code: Default =Blank. Range = Up to 31 characters. 
The digits which if matched trigger use of the short code. Characters can also be used to create short codes which cannot be dialed from a phone but can be dialed from application speed dials. However some characters have special meaning, see the table below.  

· Telephone Number: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 32 characters. 
The number output by the short code. When necessary, this is used as parameter for the selected short code Feature. See the table below for the special characters that can be used here. 

· Line Group ID: Default = 0 
This field is used for short codes that result in a number to be dialed.It acts as a drop-down from which either an outgoing line group or an ARS form  can be selected.  

· Feature: Default = Dial 
This sets the action performed by the short code when used. See Short Code Features. 

· Locale: Default = Blank 
Features that transfer the caller to voicemail can indicate the language locale required for prompts. This is subject to the language being supported and installed on the voicemail server. 

· When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).  

· Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short code. 

· Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external. 

· User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.  

· System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless overridden by a short code locale.  

· Systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to match the locale is not present on the system SD card, Manager will display an error. The required prompt set can be uploaded from Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option. 

· Force Account Code: Default = Off 
When selected, for short codes that result in the dialing of a number, the user is prompted to enter a valid account code before the call is allowed to continue.  


Short Code Field Characters

· ? - Default Match
This character can be used on its own to create a short code match in the absence of any other short code match. See ? Short Codes.  

· ?D - Default Number Dialing
This character combination makes a call to the defined phone number as soon as the user goes off-hook. See ? Short Codes.  

· N - Match Any Digits
Matches any dialed digits (including none). The Dial Delay Time or a following matching character is used to resolve when dialing is complete. 

· X - Match a Digit
Matches a single digit. When a group of X's is used, the short code matches against the total number of X's. 

· [ ] - Secondary Dial Tone Trigger
For pre-4.0 IP Office systems used to trigger secondary dial tone. Not used for Release 4.0+. See Secondary Dial Tone. 

· ; - Receive Sending Complete 
When used this must be the last character in the short code string. If the Dial Delay Count is 0, a ; instructs the system to wait for the number to be fully dialed, using the Dial Delay Time or the user dialing #, to indicate completion and then acting on the short code. If the Dial Delay Count is not zero, the dialing is only evaluated when # is pressed.  

· The majority of North-American telephony services use en-bloc dialing. Therefore the use of a ; is recommended at the end of all dialing short codes that use an N before routing those calls to a trunk or ARS. This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short codes are being used. 


Telephone Number Field Characters

· A - Allow Outgoing CLI 
Allow the calling party number sent with the call to be used. This character may be required by service providers in some locales. 

· C - Use Called Number Field 
Place any following digits in the outgoing call's Called number field rather than the Keypad field. 

· D - Wait for Connect 
Wait for a connect message before sending any following digits as DTMF. 

· E - Extension Number 
Replace with the extension number of the dialing user. Note that if a call is forwarded this will be replaced with the extension number of the forwarding user.  

· h - Hold Music Source 
When used as part of the short code telephone number field, this character allows the source for music on hold to be selected. Enter h(X) where X is 1 to 4 indicating the required hold music source if available. This overrides any previous hold music selection that may have been applied to the call. When used with ParkCall shortcodes, the h(X) should be entered before the park slot number part of the telephone number.  

· I - Use Information Packet 
Send data in an Information Packet rather than Set-up Packet. 

· K - Use Keypad Field 
Place any following digits in the outgoing call's Keypad field rather than the Called Number field. Only supported on ISDN and QSIG. 

· l - Last Number Dialed (lower case L) 
Use the last number dialed.  

· L - Last Number Received 
Use the last number received. 

· N - Dialed Digit Wildcard Match 
Substitute with the digits used for the N or X character match in the Short Code number field. 

· p - Priority 
The priority of a call is normally assigned by the Incoming Call Route or else is 1-Low for all other calls. Dial Extn short codes can use p(x) as a suffix to the Telephone Number to change the priority of a call. Allowable values for x are 1, 2 or 3 for low, medium or high priority respectively.  

· In situations where calls are queued, high priority calls are placed before calls of a lower priority. This has a number of effects:  

· Mixing calls of different priority is not recommended for destinations where Voicemail Pro is being used to provided queue ETA and queue position messages to callers since those values will no longer be accurate when a higher priority call is placed into the queue. Note also that Voicemail Pro will not allow a value already announced to an existing caller to increase.  

· If the addition of a higher priority call causes the queue length to exceed the hunt group's Queue Length Limit, the limit is temporarily raised by 1. This means that calls already queued are not rerouted by the addition of a higher priority call into the queue. 

· S - Calling Number 
Place any following digits into the outgoing call's calling number field. Using S does not alter any allow or withhold CLI setting associated with the call, the short code characters A or W should be used respectively. Note that for SIP trunks, the SIP URI configuration options override this setting.  

· Outgoing CLI Warning
Changing the outgoing CLI for calls requires the line provider to support that function. You must consult with your line provider before attempting to change the outgoing CLI, failure to do so may result in loss of service. If changing the outgoing CLI is allowed, most line providers required that the outgoing CLI used matches a number valid for return calls on the same trunks. Use of any other number may cause calls to be dropped or the outgoing CLI to be replaced with a valid number.  

· On mobile twinned calls, if the original party information is used or a specific calling party information CLI is set, that number overrides setting the outgoing CLI using short codes.  

· SS - Pass Through Calling Number 
Pass through the Calling Party Number. For example, to provide the incoming ICLID at the far end of a VoIP connection, a short code ? with telephone number .SS should be added to the IP line.  

· i - National 
Both the S and SS characters can be followed by an i, that is Si and SSi. Doing this sets the calling party number plan to ISDN and number type to National. This may be required for some network providers. 

· t - Allowed Call Duration 
Set the maximum duration in minutes for a call plus or minus a minute. Follow the character with the number of minutes in brackets, for example t(5). 

· U - User Name 
Replace with the User Name of the dialing user. Used with voicemail. 

· W - Withhold Outgoing CLI 
Withhold the sending of calling ID number. Operation is service provider dependent. 

· Y - Wait for Call Progress Message 
Wait for a Call Progress or Call Proceeding message before sending any following digits as DTMF. For example, the Y character would be necessary at a site where they have signed up with their telephone service provider to withhold international dialing until a DTMF pin/account number is entered that initiates the call progress/proceeding message.  

· Z - Calling Party Name 
This option can be used with trunks that support the sending of name information. The Z character should be followed by the name enclosed in " " quotation marks. Note that their may be name length restrictions that vary between line providers. The changing of name information on calls being forwarded or twinned may also not be supported by the line provider.  

· @ - Use Sub Address Field 
Enter any following digits into the sub-address field. 

· . - Dialed Digits 
Replace with the full set of dialed digits that triggered the short code match. 

· , - One Second Pause 
Add a one second pause in DTMF dialing. 

· ; - Receive Sending Complete 
When used this must be the last character in the short code string. If the Dial Delay Count is 0, a ; instructs the system to wait for the number to be fully dialed, using the Dial Delay Time or the user dialing #, to indicate completion and then acting on the short code. If the Dial Delay Count is not zero, the dialing is only evaluated when # is pressed.  

· " " - Non Short Code Characters 
Use to enclose any characters that should not be interpreted as possible short code special characters by the system. For example characters being passed to the voicemail server.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

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