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Need help with IIS installation

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Dec 16, 2003
Hi guys,

need some help. I am a newbie who wants to do some ASP .NET development on my home PC.

I have Win 2000 Pro.

I installed:

1) IIS
2) .NET 1.1 framework

But i cant get the browser to recognize the localhost.

How do i start IIS? And do the port settings?

Any other software i need?

Also please recommend a books on IIS.

try running through here

along with the resommendation of this book

Hakuna matata!!
thanks onpnt,

that site cleared up a few things, but i still cant get to the localhost.

When I use

I get "page cannot be displayed" and HTTP 500 error

2) When i use my machine name as

I get HTTP 502 - bad gateway error

looks like something is happening in case (2). I checked and IIS is up and running.

I tried all the resolutions in that article. I am on high speed internet on cable witha modem.

any thing else.
do this to your browser and tell us what the real error in the page is. the 500 error means somethings wrong with your script more then likely.

[li]Internet Options[/li]
[li]Advanced [/li]
[li]Uncheck "Show friendly HTTP error messages" [/li]

Hakuna matata!!
the website you are trying to hit, is it using .net right off? If so you need to make sure you have access to the .net framework directories.

I unchecked what you suggested and the message now is:

1) Using :

Server Error
The following error occurred:

Please contact the administrator.

2) Using
Bad Gateway
The following error occurred:
A DNS lookup error occurred. The host was not found.

Please contact the administrator.

Also chris,

I installed .net framework, so i assume things are in place, anyway i am trying to check a normal asp page as above.

This sounds like a DNS problem.

Are you using your own DNS?
if so make sure the setting of machine_name is in the DNS server and is pointing to the ip of the machine.

Hi Jason,

Can you tell me how to do that?

the error almost looks as if the servers do not know it resides on the same network but trying to hit a gateway.
Another thing if i use

I get

500 Server Error:

Server Error
The following error occurred:
An invalid URL was detected. NetCache cannot serve the request as entered.

check for a hosts file in %systemroot%\system32\driver\etc and the file should look like this

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost


Rich Cook -- "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

I checked and it is exactly like that...
A few questions

Do you have a wire connected to the internet/hub/switch?

Could you do an ipconfig and post the ip you got?

Is it a default install?

1) Confirm you can do anonymous access to the web server.

Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Service Manager

Confirm that the Administrative Web Server is running. If not right click and go Start.

Then go to Default Web Server right click > Properties > Directory Security confirm that anonymous access is checked then click on edit then click edit again and confirm that the user is USER_SERVER.

2) Confirm NTFS rights go to C:\Inetpub\ right click on the directory > web sharing > click on / in the box > click edit
Confirm that scripts can be run

Hi Jason,

Here is the IPconfig:

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

1) By Administrative Web Server , do you mean the IIS server??? If so It is up and running as the start is greyed out, anyway i restarted it...

2) I changed the user to USER_SERVER, it was set to IUSR_<machine_name>.

3) When i try to edit the &quot;/&quot; ( and change to &quot;execute (includes scripts)&quot; it asks me for a name, so when i do give it a name another entry is added along with the &quot;/&quot; in the folders list.

I installed all as a user and not as the Administrator. Most probably it is a default install as I just installed it and did not set anything manually.

thanks for your help and patience.
Have you done any web site development yet? If so copy all the files that you created and uninstall the application.

Start > Setting > Control Panel > Add/remove programs > Add/Remove Windows Components > IIS Services uncheck the box beside it

Reboot the computer.

Do the above again but check the IIS Services. Make sure you have the Windows 2000 CD.


I did the uninstall/reinstall. I noticed that even after the uninstall the inetpub directory was still there....

I have been pulling my hair out over this error myself and tried all the security settings solutions people suggest in the forums - No luck.

I finally stumbled over the solution for my machine - problem was my corporate network and proxy server.

I copied the article someone wrote... see if this works for you...


You've probably fixed this, but I had the same problem and thought I would post my fix to help the masses - it was tricky finding the solution to this one.

There's a microsoft article titled &quot;Unable to create a Web application on a LAN that uses a Proxy server.&quot; It's currently at:

It instucts us to do the following, which worked for me:

Set your connection option to bypass proxy for local addresses
In the Tools menu, select Options.
Under the Projects node, select Web Settings.
Click Connection Settings in the Options dialog box.
In the Internet Properties dialog box, select the Connections tab and click LAN Settings.
In the LAN Settings dialog box, select Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
Click OK to close all open dialog boxes.


I was getting this error too. Try this. In IE, goto Tools, Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click the &quot;LAN Settings&quot; button and DEselect the &quot;Automatically detect settings&quot; checkbox. Click Ok. Close all copies of IE, then try again.

thanks a million, it worked.

also thanks to all others who took time to look into this problem and reply.


Woo hoo! I helped someone! :) I got this error for the first time today and was having a really hard time coming up with any good ideas for resolving it. I stumbled upon this resolution by accident, I think.

Now I just wish I knew what caused it in the first place. I have a suspicion that it has something to do with my internet provider, because I switched cable modems and my Linux internet connection got all messed up... my machine name changed from &quot;localhost&quot; to something like &quot;CE3094933933-CA3930009392&quot;. Then I came back to Windows and I got this error when accessing stuff on localhost.

Who knows. Hopefully this will be kept around on Google for others that run into this freaky problem.

(Just incase this doesn't work for others, I found a second way to resolve the problem, but it's sort of inconvenient: Go to your Network Connections and disable your Internet connection... which in my case is &quot;Local Area Connection&quot;)
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