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Need help with CSockets - basic stuff!!

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Nov 14, 2002
Hi all, I'm experimenting with windows sockets for the first time but I'm having some difficulties getting a basic client app to work correctly.

I've read and looked at the samples on MSDN but they are not well documented and also, I don't want to use the archiving thing - i'd rather just use Send() and Receive().

Here's the situation...
I have successfully created a server application (no problems there!).
However, I'm having troubles with my client app: I create a CSocket object in the OnInitDialog() function. I successfully create it and and connect to the server.

Once the socket is created and connected I then create a thread and pass in the relevant info. The thread works like this (I've chopped elementary stuff out to make this easier to read!):

[tt] OnInitDialog()
// Create socket here and successfully
// connect to server app

// Create a thread to send and receive
// messages here...


Now here's the thread body:

[tt]while (1)
// msg is the text from the edit box
// if we have a msg to send then send it!
if (!msg.IsEmpty())
// clear msg and msg edit box

// meantime, check if we have data to
// receive...
bytes = socket.Receive(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
if (bytes > 0)
// if we got some data then process and
// display it

Sleep(500): // give cpu some time

I don't think I've got this set-up correct! I can send a message and have it 'echoed' back to me from the server app. However, when i try to send a 2nd message, it all hangs up

Now I'm assuming that I'm either missing something or not resetting something or whatever but I can't work it out. I tried using two separate sockets and threads (one to send and other to receive) but I couldn't even get the receiving thread to receive the first 'echo' from the server using that method. I had assumed that once you have a socket and a connection that you can use that same socket to both send and receive??????

Can anybody help??
From technical article 3 (TN003) on MSDN

Wrapper Objects and Multiple Threads

Both temporary and permanent objects are maintained on a per-thread basis. That is, one thread cannot access another threads C++ wrapper objects
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