Need help adding a sort order to a group header. Currently the group header is set to Temp.Order.Header.Number. I need to keep this in place while also adding a sort by description.
You could insert a group on description and make it the group above the current number group. Or you could place the description field in the detail section, insert a maximum on it, and then use report->group sort to order the groups.
This report is our packing slip from our accounting software. Currerntly the form prints as the items were entered in our application. We want the packing slip to sort by description instead of the way it was entered.
I tried adding a simple sort order by description and it worked the problem was it put all of our notes at the top of the page. Our notes are inserted if we are out of stock on something or etc....
The report is currently set to sort on this group header. Which contain several detail sections one of it being the description line that prints on the pack slip and another being comment section. If there is no comments this is suppressed.
I need to keep the sort by this group header because that is what is keeping the correct comment lines with the appropriate description lines. I need to add a sort by descrption. I hope this makes sense.
It would be better if you showed a sample of what your report currently looks like and what you would like it to look like, labeling the fields, etc., and identifying the report sections.
The report does not appear with data (only design mode), which doesn't really help.
I'm unclear whether you tried my two earlier suggestions. If you did, why didn't they meet your needs? If you explain, that and also add the mock data, maybe someone can help.
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