I am trying to create a process that will send an 8 character string to an I series database. I created a Remote View called "jtview" and tied it to a connection called JT2GOCONN. In the Connection Designer - JT2GOCONN I selected the Data Source, entered the Userid and Password and the Database Name. I set Display ODBC login prompts to [Never] and took the defaults for all other settings. I clicked on Verify Connection and the connection was successful. In the View Designer, I designated the table, chose * as selected fields. Under the Update Criteria Tab, I put a check mark in the write column as well as the key column under Field Name JTID (the name of the field in the database).
My script reads as follows:
Now my problem... If I open the foxpro 9 program and run this, it cannot find jtview. If I go to the Project Manager|Data|Remote Views|jtview and press the Browse button, it will display the table and now my script will run without error. Then all at once I start getting an error (at this point it seems to start at random) as follows:
Connectivity error: [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2UDB]SQL0803 - Duplicate key value specified.
Once this error message appears, I have to go to the Windows Task Manager to End the Foxpro9 program. Now I am back to square one.
Again I am in over my head and do not know what to fix where. Can you point me in the right direction?
My script reads as follows:
m.jtid = "bbc40105"
Connectivity error: [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2UDB]SQL0803 - Duplicate key value specified.
Once this error message appears, I have to go to the Windows Task Manager to End the Foxpro9 program. Now I am back to square one.
Again I am in over my head and do not know what to fix where. Can you point me in the right direction?