Technical User
- Nov 6, 2006
- 92
I am stuck on how to fix code. Have a linked database that has 4 append queries that must run once daily, one of which is a Date query. The primary tables used are linked to another database that when opened 1st time each day, the data from our mainframe loads the previous business days data. Therefore, the primary database must run first and must carry updated information. Because different people are involved in the opening of these databases, sometimes the timing is off and messes up the data in my adhoc database or drops days. Today I went in and bypassed the AutoExec and found that both Tuesday (4th) and Thursday (6th) were gone, even though they were there on Friday. I have an AutoExecMaco to run code in 2 modules. One to get user detail and the 2nd that runs the queries shown below. How can I made sure that if this adhoc database is opened first, or at anytime really, that it will not populate any tables unless the previous business days data is on the linked tables.
Public Function OpenQuery()
Dim LastUpdate, Running, UserID, PrevUpdater
UserID = LogonID()
PrevUpdater = DLookup("UserName", "tbl_UpdateManager")
LastUpdate = DLookup("LastUpdate", "tbl_UpdateManager")
Running = DLookup("Running", "tbl_UpdateManager")
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If Running = False Then
If LastUpdate < DateValue(Now()) Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_UpdateManager SET tbl_UpdateManager.Running = True;"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDateToday"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "InventProfFac"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Count Of Shelf Comb"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "InvenRespID"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_UpdateManager SET tbl_UpdateManager.LastUpdate = #" & DateValue(Now()) & "#, tbl_UpdateManager.UserName = '" & UserID & "', tbl_UpdateManager.Running = False;"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function
Public Function OpenQuery()
Dim LastUpdate, Running, UserID, PrevUpdater
UserID = LogonID()
PrevUpdater = DLookup("UserName", "tbl_UpdateManager")
LastUpdate = DLookup("LastUpdate", "tbl_UpdateManager")
Running = DLookup("Running", "tbl_UpdateManager")
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If Running = False Then
If LastUpdate < DateValue(Now()) Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_UpdateManager SET tbl_UpdateManager.Running = True;"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDateToday"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "InventProfFac"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Count Of Shelf Comb"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "InvenRespID"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_UpdateManager SET tbl_UpdateManager.LastUpdate = #" & DateValue(Now()) & "#, tbl_UpdateManager.UserName = '" & UserID & "', tbl_UpdateManager.Running = False;"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function