I have a table that looks like this:
product code sub product code sub product title
1223 890809 Access: A Primer
1223 780812 Office: A Primer
1223 78891X Zagat Survey
122B 987721 Leaves of Grass
122B 19773X Seagate Software
122B 876321 Sun Times
1782 977612 God Bless You John Wayne
1782 675123 Roadkill
And I want to create a result/table that looks like this:
Product Code Sub Product Code1 Sub Product Code2 Sub Product Code3 Etc
1223 890809 980812 98891X
122B 987721 19773X 876321
1782 977612 675123
I don't have a sequence table in the first table. If I had a sequence field in the first table or a related table this would not be a problem. The first table is sorted alphabetically by the sub product title field , and this sort is the sequence order of the second table fields sub product1, sub product2, etc. I need approximately 80 sub product fields in the final table.
If I could do this in a couple of queries this would be great. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
product code sub product code sub product title
1223 890809 Access: A Primer
1223 780812 Office: A Primer
1223 78891X Zagat Survey
122B 987721 Leaves of Grass
122B 19773X Seagate Software
122B 876321 Sun Times
1782 977612 God Bless You John Wayne
1782 675123 Roadkill
And I want to create a result/table that looks like this:
Product Code Sub Product Code1 Sub Product Code2 Sub Product Code3 Etc
1223 890809 980812 98891X
122B 987721 19773X 876321
1782 977612 675123
I don't have a sequence table in the first table. If I had a sequence field in the first table or a related table this would not be a problem. The first table is sorted alphabetically by the sub product title field , and this sort is the sequence order of the second table fields sub product1, sub product2, etc. I need approximately 80 sub product fields in the final table.
If I could do this in a couple of queries this would be great. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.