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Need help rounding numbers and assigning letter grade to the numerical

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Feb 25, 2010
I need help rounding the grade average from the grade calculator. For instance from like 25.5 to 26 and from 25.4 to 25. Also, I need help printing a letter grade from your average.

Here is what i have so far:


print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

use CGI ':standard';



foreach $grade(@array) {

print "$grade <br> ";

if(($grade !=Null) || ($grade eq 0)) {$count++}



print "Your total grade is $total <br>
Grades input: $count <br>
Your average grade is: $average";

Have a look at perldoc -f int... it gives some advice on how to do rounding.

How are letter grades defined? I presume you'll just need some logic like "if it's greater than x, it's an A, else if it's greater than y it's a B, etc. ... else it's a fail."

The perldoc perlsyn page tells you how to write logic statements and gives examples.

I would consider building a hash with the grade as the key, and the lower/upper score boundaries as the value. Then only 1 condition statement has to be used and the grades/score boundaries can easily be edited from the hash table. I also round numbers using $number = int($number + 0.5);.

For example:

#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $score1 = "2.2";
my $score2 = "4.8";
my $score3 = "6.1";
my $score4 = "6.4";
my @scores = ($score1,$score2,$score3,$score4);

my $totalscore;

foreach (@scores) {
	$_ = int($_ + 0.5);
	$totalscore += $_;
my %grades = (
	'A' => [21,25],
	'B' => [16,20],
	'C' => [11,15],
	'D' => [6,10],
	'E' => [1,5],
	'F' => [0,0]

my $finalgrade;

foreach (keys %grades) {
	if (($totalscore >= ${$grades{$_}}[0]) && ($totalscore <= ${$grades{$_}}[1])) {
		$finalgrade = $_;
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "Score = $totalscore, Grade= $finalgrade";

Just a note: I didn't average the scores.

If you wish to round to a specific significant digit, you can use the printf function (or sprintf, depending upon the situation), which does proper rounding automatically. See the perlfunc man page for more information on the (s)printf function.

Version 5 includes a POSIX module which defines the standard C math library functions, including floor() and ceil(). floor($num) returns the largest integer not greater than $num, while ceil($num) returns the smallest integer not less than $num. For example:

use POSIX qw(ceil floor);

$num = 42.4; # The Answer to the Great Question (on a Pentium)!

print "Floor returns: ", floor($num), "\n";
print "Ceil returns: ", ceil($num), "\n";

Which prints:
Floor returns: 42
Ceil returns: 43
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