Our telco has discontinued our LD service because of calls made to certain numbers.
I had played around with SIP extensions on a 3300 (MCD 5.0), but I did not use any security (passwords etc) I just toyed with them, and never used them much, but a few stations had Softphones connected (xlite). When I did a quick look at all programmed IP sets, I saw many of these sets connected with our internal IP range, but 4 were using the same external/foreign IP. That reminded me that I had just enabled VOIP options on our sonicwall firewall to this IP (mitel), was going to try using a polycom SIP set externally, instead of teleworkers. I left this firewall rule enabled and believe this is how the calls were placed.
MY QUESTION is; how can I check where a call to a specific number was placed. ie, 2220202020 was called by ext 3000 at 15:11:34 2012/12/20 or something. I can be sure that our 'hole' was plugged.
Thank you in advance.
I had played around with SIP extensions on a 3300 (MCD 5.0), but I did not use any security (passwords etc) I just toyed with them, and never used them much, but a few stations had Softphones connected (xlite). When I did a quick look at all programmed IP sets, I saw many of these sets connected with our internal IP range, but 4 were using the same external/foreign IP. That reminded me that I had just enabled VOIP options on our sonicwall firewall to this IP (mitel), was going to try using a polycom SIP set externally, instead of teleworkers. I left this firewall rule enabled and believe this is how the calls were placed.
MY QUESTION is; how can I check where a call to a specific number was placed. ie, 2220202020 was called by ext 3000 at 15:11:34 2012/12/20 or something. I can be sure that our 'hole' was plugged.
Thank you in advance.