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Need help on smart list box and RTF

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Jul 13, 2001
Okay I have a "smart" list box coded
If some one type in application then a "." then a list box pops up with list of various items.

My question is I need to expand the "smart" list boxes to include "_", "(", ":" and " = "?

I know that I have to the keyup function...but do I have to do a case select listing? or should I create a (class) module for each one?

I have tried used to use "or" in the if statement but it doesnt work?

Aaron Fear is the mind killer!!!!!!
How are you getting it to respond/react to a '.'?

Can you not expand that test to include the other characters? For example just doing a bunch of Ors in the if statement, or changing the check to a Case statement?

If Or doesn't work - as you suggest - can you post your current code so that we can try and figure out why, and suggest a fix/solution?

Here is the code for this problem

Private Sub RTF1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode <> 190 Then
Picture4.Visible = False
Picture6.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If

Dim FF As Integer
Dim tmpEnd As Integer
Dim tmpBeg As Integer
Dim iEval As Integer
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim tmp2 As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim eChar As String
Dim codeObj As String 'LOCAL &quot;gObjName&quot; Temp String
Dim F As String
Dim lngStart As Integer
Dim tmpLeft As Integer
Dim tmpTop As Integer
Dim A As String

GetCaretPos PT

iEval = 600

tmpEnd = RTF1.SelStart
tmpBeg = tmpEnd - iEval
If tmpBeg < 0 Then tmpBeg = 0
RTF1.SelStart = tmpBeg
RTF1.SelLength = tmpEnd - tmpBeg
If Right$(RTF1.SelText, 1) <> &quot;.&quot; Then
Do Until Right$(RTF1.SelText, 1) = &quot;.&quot;
RTF1.SelLength = RTF1.SelLength + 1
End If

tmpStr$ = RTF1.SelText
RTF1.SelStart = tmpEnd
RTF1.SelLength = 0
tmp2$ = &quot;&quot;

For X = 1 To (Len(tmpStr$) - 1)
eChar$ = Mid$(tmpStr$, X, 1)
If eChar <> Chr$(10) And eChar <> Chr$(13) _
And eChar <> &quot; &quot; And eChar <> &quot;.&quot; Then
tmp2$ = tmp2$ & eChar$
tmp2$ = &quot; &quot;
End If

tmp2$ = Trim$(tmp2)
If Right$(tmp2, 1) <> &quot;.&quot; Then tmp2 = tmp2 & &quot;.&quot;

codeObj = tmp2$

F$ = CurDir & &quot;\obj.txt&quot;
gObjName = &quot;&quot;
FF = FreeFile
Open F$ For Input As FF

Do Until LCase$(Trim$(A$)) = LCase$(codeObj$)
If EOF(FF) Then Exit Do
Line Input #FF, A$
gObjName = codeObj$
Do Until Trim$(A$) = &quot;!&quot;
Line Input #FF, A$
If Trim$(A$) <> &quot;!&quot; And Trim$(A$) <> &quot;&quot; Then
List1.AddItem Right$(A$, Len(A$) - Len(codeObj))
End If
Close FF

If List1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

lngStart = RTF1.SelStart
RTF1.SelStart = RTF1.SelStart - Len(codeObj$)
RTF1.SelLength = Len(codeObj$)

If (PT.X * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 15) + _
Picture4.Width + 45 < Width Then
tmpLeft = (PT.X * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 15) + 45
tmpLeft = (PT.X * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 15) - _
Picture4.Width - 45
End If

If (PT.Y * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 25) + _
Picture4.Height + 45 < Height Then
tmpTop = (PT.Y * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 25)
tmpTop = (PT.Y * 15) + (RTF1.SelFontSize * 25) - _
Picture4.Height - RTF1.SelFontSize * 25
End If

Picture4.Move tmpLeft, tmpTop
Picture4.Visible = True

Picture6.Move tmpLeft + 45, tmpTop + 45, _
Picture4.Width, Picture4.Height
Picture6.Visible = True


I hope this option can be doable.

Fear is the mind killer!!!!!!
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