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Need help on populating the data dynamically

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Sep 5, 2003
Hi Guys,

I am totally new to Asp.net and c#. I came across these below two files using which we can create a bar chart with static data...i was just trying to manipulate the code so that i can insert the data dynamically...

file 1:
<script language="C#" runat="server"> 
private String _sXAxisTitle; 
private String _sChartTitle; 
private Int32 _iUserWidth = 300; 
private String [] _sYAxisItems; 
private Int32 [] _iYAxisValues; 

public Int32 UserWidth { 
get { return _iUserWidth; } 
set { _iUserWidth = value; } 

public Int32 [] YAxisValues { 
get { return _iYAxisValues; } 
set { _iYAxisValues = value; } 

public String [] YAxisItems { 
get { return _sYAxisItems; } 
set { _sYAxisItems = value; } 

public String XAxisTitle { 
get { return _sXAxisTitle; } 
set { _sXAxisTitle = value; } 

public String ChartTitle { 
get { return _sChartTitle; } 
set { _sChartTitle = value; } 

void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { 

// As long as we have values to display, do so 
if (_iYAxisValues!= null) { 

// Color array 
String [] sColor = new String[9]; 
sColor[0] = "red"; 
sColor[1] = "lightblue"; 
sColor[2] = "green"; 
sColor[3] = "orange"; 
sColor[4] = "yellow"; 
sColor[5] = "blue"; 
sColor[6] = "lightgrey"; 
sColor[7] = "pink"; 
sColor[8] = "purple"; 

// Initialize the color category 
Int32 iColor = 0; 

// Display the chart title 
lblChartTitle.Text = _sChartTitle; 

// Get the largest value from the available items 
Int32 iMaxVal = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < _iYAxisValues.Length; i++) { 
if (_iYAxisValues[i] > iMaxVal) 
iMaxVal = _iYAxisValues[i]; 

// Take the user-provided maximum width of the chart, and divide it by the 
// largest value in our valueset to obtain the modifier 
Int32 iMod = Math.Abs(_iUserWidth/iMaxVal); 

// This will be the string holder for our actual bars. 
String sOut = ""; 

// Render a bar for each item 
for (int i = 0; i < _iYAxisValues.Length; i++) { 

// Only display this item if we have a value to display 
if (_iYAxisValues[i] > 0) { 

sOut += "<tr><td align=right>" + _sYAxisItems[i] + "</td>"; 
sOut += "<td>" + RenderItem(_iYAxisValues[i], iMod, sColor[iColor]) + "</td></tr>"; 

// If we have reached the end of our color array, start over 
if (iColor >iColor = 0; 

// Place the rendered string in the appropriate label 
lblItems.Text = sOut; 

// Drop in the Y Axis label 
lblXAxisTitle.Text = _sXAxisTitle; 

// Generates a horizontal bar graph for a given item 
private String RenderItem (Int32 iVal, Int32 iMod, String sColor) { 
String sRet = ""; 
sRet += "<table border=0 bgcolor=" + sColor + " cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>"; 
sRet += "<td align=center width=" + (iVal * iMod) + " nobr nowrap>"; 
sRet += "" + iVal + ""; 
sRet += "</tr><td></table>"; 
return sRet; 


<td align=center> 
<asp:Label id=lblChartTitle runat=server /> 
<table border=1 bordercolor='#777777' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> 
<asp:Label id=lblItems runat=server /> 
<td colspan=2 align=center> 
<asp:Label id=lblXAxisTitle runat=server /> 

File 2:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="DNG" TagName="DotNetGraph" Src="DotNetGraph.ascx" %> 

<script language="C#" runat="server"> 

void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { 

// Declare our variables 
String [] sItems = new String[10]; 
Int32 [] iValue = new Int32 [10]; 

// Populate our variables 
sItems[0] = "Carrots"; 
iValue[0] = 23; 

sItems[1] = "Peas"; 
iValue[1] = 53; 

sItems[2] = "Celery"; 
iValue[2] = 11; 

sItems[3] = "Onions"; 
iValue[3] = 21; 

sItems[4] = "Radishes"; 
iValue[4] = 43; 

// Set our axis values 
dngchart.YAxisValues = iValue; 

// Set our axis strings 
dngchart.YAxisItems = sItems; 

// Provide a title 
dngchart.ChartTitle = "Inventory Breakdown:"; 

// Provide an title for the X-Axis 
dngchart.XAxisTitle = "(units display actual numbers)"; 



<!-- Note UserWidth is set "in-line". It could just as easily been set on the page_load method. --> 
<DNG:DotNetGraph id=dngchart UserWidth=200 runat=server /> 

Can you help me modify this code....

Thanks in advance


I tried to make some changes in the file 2 to populate the data dynamically but was not successful...

I tried the following:

Dim connString As String = "Data Source = STJSQL\STJDB; Database=STJData;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXXX" 
Dim sql As String = "SELECT t.Description as InventName, SUM(CASE WHEN m.Active_Ind =1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as itemtotal FROM Inventory_Main m join Inventory_Type t on m.Inventory_Type_ID=t.Inventory_Type_ID GROUP BY m.Inventory_Type_ID, t.Description ORDER BY t.Description ASC " 

Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connString) 
Dim command AS SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, conn) 


Dim ReaderObj As SQlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader() 

If ReaderObj.Read Then 
Dim i As Integer 
For i = 0 to ReaderObj.FieldCount - 1 
sItems(i) = ReaderObj.InventName(i) 
iValue(i) = ReaderObj.itemtotal(i) 
End If 


void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { 

// Set our axis strings 

Dont know how to set these values... 

dngchart.YAxisValues = ?????? 
dngchart.YAxisItems = ??????? 

// Provide a title 
dngchart.ChartTitle = "Inventory Breakdown:"; 

// Provide an title for the X-Axis 
dngchart.XAxisTitle = "(units display actual numbers)"; 


The first thing that I noticed is that the changes you tried to make are writen in vb.net, the rest of the code is c#.

Your changes should look like:
string connString = @"Data Source = STJSQL\STJDB; Database=STJData; User ID=XXXX; Password=XXXXX" ;

if (ReaderObj.Read) {
int i;
for (i=0 to ReaderObj.FieldCount - 1; i<= ; i++) {
sItem(i) = ReaderObj.InventName(i) ;
iValue(i) = ReaderObj.itemtotal(i) ;
ReaderObj.Close() ;

My C# is bad, but it should look something like that.
You also need to put that code inside the page_load event of your code.

I belive the variables for the graph are set up in an array and the code in file 2 sets those variables.

Let me know what else you need help with and I will try,

Thanks Chris:

Here is how my code looks...and you are correct that variables for the graph are set up in an array and the code in file 2 sets those variables.

void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e) {

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=STJSQL\\STJDB;" +
"Database=STJData;" +
"User ID=XXX;" +

string sql= "SELECT t.Description as InventName, SUM(CASE WHEN m.Active_Ind =1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as itemtotal FROM Inventory_Main m join Inventory_Type t on m.Inventory_Type_ID=t.Inventory_Type_ID GROUP BY m.Inventory_Type_ID, t.Description ORDER BY t.Description ASC ";

SqlCommand objcommand= new SqlCommand(sql,conn);
SqlDataReader ReaderObj= objcommand.ExecuteReader();

if (ReaderObj.Read) {
int i;
for (i=0 to ReaderObj.FieldCount - 1; i<=???? ; i++) i think something is missing here and i get "; expected" error on this line
sItem(i) = ReaderObj.InventName(i) ;
iValue(i) = ReaderObj.itemtotal(i) ;

// Provide a title
dngchart.ChartTitle = "<b>Inventory Breakdown:</b>";

// Provide an title for the X-Axis
dngchart.XAxisTitle = "(units display actual numbers)";

Any suggestions...

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Part and Inventory Search

