I'm having trouble figuring out how to insert data from an array into several MySQL tables. My biggest problem is I can't figure out how to get $xtvdata->{programs}->{program}->__program_name_here__ and assign the program name as `pid` in the programs table, with the data contained in the program name array as other entries in the table.
My perl script so far:
# use module
use XML::Simple;
#use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
#Connect to MySQL
#my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:adp:", "root", "deskport",
# { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }
# ) || die "Error connecting to the database: $DBI::errstr\n";
# create object
$xmltv = new XML::Simple;
# read XML file
$xtvdata = $xmltv->XMLin("gold_sample.xml");
#used temporarily so I can see the output
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML><BODY>";
#dumps out the array so I can see the structure
print Dumper($xtvdata);
#foreach $p($xtvdata->{programs}->{program})
#Get these variables somehow
#my $pid = $xtvdata->{programs}->{program}->__program_name_here__;
#my $title = $xtvdata->{programs}->{program}->__program_name_here__->{title};
#my $sth = $dbh->prepare('insert into tvguide_programs(pid, title)
#values $pid, $title)');
#used temporarily so I can see the output
print "</BODY></HTML>"
Table makeup:
CREATE TABLE `tvguide_stations` (
`id` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
`name` carchar(12) NOT NULL,
`affiliate` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`callsign` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`fccchannelnumber` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
`channel` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
`genremain` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`genre0` varchar(30),
`genre1` varchar(30),
`genre2` varchar(30),
`genre3` varchar(30),
`genre4` varchar(30),
`genre5` varchar(30),
CREATE TABLE `tvguide_lineups` (
`pid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`device` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`id` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
`location` varchar(28) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`postalcode` tinyint(6),
`type` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`userLineupName` varchar(50),
CREATE TABLE `tvguide_programs` (
`pid` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
`title` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`subtitle` varchar(150),
`colorcode` varchar(20),
`description` varchar(255),
`mpaaRating` int(11),
`originalAirDate` varchar(10),
`runtime` varchar(8),
`series` varchar(12),
`showtype` varchar(30),
`starRating` varchar(5),
`syndicatedEpisodeNumber` varchar(20),
`year` tinyint(4),
`advisory0` varchar(30),
`advisory1` varchar(30),
`advisory2` varchar(30),
`advisory3` varchar(30),
`advisory4` varchar(30),
`advisory5` varchar(30),
CREATE TABLE `tvguide_schedules` (
`pid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`sid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`duration` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`time` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`closecaptioned` enum('true', 'false') default 'true',
`dolby` enum('none', 'Dolby', 'Dolby Digital') default 'none',
`hdtv` enum('true', 'false') NOT NULL default 'none',
`partnumber` tinyint(2),
`totalnumber` tinyint(2),
`repeat` enum('true', 'false') default 'false',
`stereo` enum('true', 'false') default 'false',
`subtitled` enum('true', 'false') default 'false',
`tvRating` enum('TV-Y', 'TV-Y7', 'TV-G', 'TV-PG', 'TV-14', 'TV-MA', 'null') default 'null',
CREATE TABLE `tvguide_production_crew` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`pid` varchar(11) NOT NULL,
`givenname` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`surname` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`role` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Sample XML file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<xtvd from="2005-06-03T00:00:00Z" to="2005-06-04T00:00:00Z" xmlns="urn:TMSWebServices" xmlns:xsi="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"[/URL] xsi:schemaLocation="urn:TMSWebServices [URL unfurl="true"]http://docs.tms.tribune.com/tech/xml/schemas/tmsxtvd.xsd"[/URL] schemaVersion="1.3">
<station id="14755">
<name>Bloomberg Television</name>
<station id="10142">
<name>Cable News Network</name>
<station id="17125">
<name>ENCORE - Encore (Pacific)</name>
<lineup id="DITV602:-" name="DIRECTV Chicago" location="Chicago" type="Satellite" postalCode="60611">
<map station="10142" channel="202" from="2000-06-26"></map>
<map station="14755" channel="353" from="2000-06-26"></map>
<map station="17125" channel="527" from="2000-06-26"></map>
<schedule program="SH6434270000" station="14755" time="2005-06-03T01:00:00Z" duration="PT03H00M"></schedule>
<schedule program="SH5789380000" station="14755" time="2005-06-03T04:00:00Z" duration="PT03H00M"></schedule>
<schedule program="SH6063000000" station="10142" time="2005-06-03T00:00:00Z" duration="PT01H00M" closeCaptioned="true"></schedule>
<schedule program="SH4058630000" station="10142" time="2005-06-03T02:00:00Z" duration="PT01H00M" closeCaptioned="true"></schedule>
<schedule program="MV0318610000" station="17125" time="2005-06-03T01:00:00Z" duration="PT02H00M" stereo="true" closeCaptioned="true"></schedule>
<schedule program="MV1400930000" station="17125" time="2005-06-03T03:00:00Z" duration="PT02H30M" stereo="true" closeCaptioned="true"></schedule>
<schedule program="EP0809550108" station="11097" time="2005-06-03T21:00:00Z" duration="PT01H00M" tvRating="TV-14" stereo="true" closeCaptioned="true">
<part number="2" total="2"></part>
<program id="EP0014574180">
<title>Entertainment Tonight</title>
<description>Actors Russell Crowe and Renée Zellweger ("Cinderella Man"); celebrity splurges.</description>
<program id="EP0039850080">
<title>Star Trek</title>
<subtitle>The Cage</subtitle>
<description>When the Enterprise answers a distress call, Capt. Pike (Jeffrey Hunter) encounters manipulative aliens. Original series pilot.</description>
<colorCode>Color and B & W</colorCode>
<program id="EP0191100009">
<title>The Twilight Zone</title>
<subtitle>Perchance to Dream</subtitle>
<description>A man with recurring nightmares fears sleep.</description>
<colorCode>B & W</colorCode>
<program id="EP2254210069">
<title>Stargate SG-1</title>
<subtitle>Crystal Skull</subtitle>
<description>Daniel vanishes during an exploration.</description>
<advisory>Adult Situations</advisory>
<crew program="EP0039850080">
<crew program="EP0191100009">
<programGenre program="EP0014574180">
<programGenre program="EP0039850080">
<class>Science Fiction</class>
<programGenre program="EP0191100009">
<class>Science Fiction</class>