Anyone (Have a valid\verified\working) documented method to check to see if a task mgr process is running and if its not , it will restart it.?
our NSM evt Console craps out when too many msgs flood. We have to then restart the CAOPRDMN process. Looking for a (documented)way to monitor task mgr process CAOPRDMN.exe) and restart it when it takes a dump. Sure I can monitor the process in thoe OS agent, already am, problem is what can you do when the console goes down, theres no console to trigger a msg\action to command re-start.
Likely a script to check the status. Any takers.??
our NSM evt Console craps out when too many msgs flood. We have to then restart the CAOPRDMN process. Looking for a (documented)way to monitor task mgr process CAOPRDMN.exe) and restart it when it takes a dump. Sure I can monitor the process in thoe OS agent, already am, problem is what can you do when the console goes down, theres no console to trigger a msg\action to command re-start.
Likely a script to check the status. Any takers.??