I really apreciate if anyone could helpme with a NEC ELECTRA PROFESSIONAL LEVEL II System ESF-XB-10 KSU.
My question is concerning to a fature programming:
Currently, I'm using this system with 30 ETW16DC1 phones. The receptionist is at x100, but now we want to have another person in x124 answring oucoming calls. The idea is that both x100 and x124 rings same time so both persons can answer, so if one is out the another can take the call. I know the NEC Electra has a lot of features, but I'm unknow tha name of that function, or how the setup needs to be configured to get this functionality. I have the user's manual. Any help about will very aprecciated.
My best regards
I really apreciate if anyone could helpme with a NEC ELECTRA PROFESSIONAL LEVEL II System ESF-XB-10 KSU.
My question is concerning to a fature programming:
Currently, I'm using this system with 30 ETW16DC1 phones. The receptionist is at x100, but now we want to have another person in x124 answring oucoming calls. The idea is that both x100 and x124 rings same time so both persons can answer, so if one is out the another can take the call. I know the NEC Electra has a lot of features, but I'm unknow tha name of that function, or how the setup needs to be configured to get this functionality. I have the user's manual. Any help about will very aprecciated.
My best regards