/ Settings. Note: ACD ranges included in HuntGroup category.
ExtensionLength 3
ExtensionRange Telephone 100 449
ExtensionRange Park 601 609
ExtensionRange AutoAttendant 500 599
ExtensionRange HuntGroup 450 499
ExtensionRange External 600 799
/ The ExtensionRange External Setting MUST include the Park range.
/ If the Call Park range is outside of the ExtensionRange External,
/ the Call Park feature will not work.
ExternalSettings 9 750 500
/ Dial Plan Tables
/ Configuration file command syntax guide:
/ Table Create {nTableId} {szDescription}
/ Table Delete {nTableId}
/ TableEntry Create {nTableId} {nEntryId} {szDigits}
/ {nMinDigits} {nMaxDigits} {szCallClass}
/ {nPriority} {nRouteId}
/ TableEntry Delete {nTableId} {nEntryId}
/ DestinationRoute Create {nRouteId} {szDescription}
/ DestinationRoute Delete {nRouteId}
/ DestinationRouteEntry Create {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {szExtension}
/ DestinationRouteEntry Delete {nRouteId} {nEntryId}
/ DestinationRouteOperation Create {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ {szOperation} {szValue}
/ DestinationRouteOperation Delete {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ TimedRoute Create {nRouteId} {nDefaultDestinationRouteId} {szDescription}
/ TimedRoute Delete {nRouteId}
/ TimedRouteEntry Create {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {szStartTime} {szEndTime}
/ {szDaysOfWeek} {nDestinationRouteId}
/ TimedRouteEntry Delete {nRouteId} {nEntryId}
/ TimedRouteOperation Create {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ {szOperation} {szValue}
/ TimedRouteOperation Delete {nRouteId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ PreTranslator Create {nPreTranslatorId} {szDescription}
/ PreTranslator Delete {nPreTranslatorId}
/ PreTranslatorEntry Create {nPreTranslatorId} {nEntryId} {szDigits}
/ PreTranslatorEntry Delete {nPreTranslatorId} {nEntryId}
/ PreTranslatorOperation Create {nPreTranslatorId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ {szOperation} {szValue}
/ PreTranslatorOperation Delete {nPreTranslatorId} {nEntryId} {nOperId}
/ PreTranslatorISDNNumberType {nPreTranslatorId} {nISDNNumberType}
/ ExtensionLength {nExtensionLength}
/ ExtensionRange {szExtensionType} {szLowestExtension} {szHighestExtension}
/ ExternalSettings {szExternalKeysetPrefix} {szFirstAutoDiscoverExtension}
/ {szDefaultAutoExtension}
/ Notes: 1. Each command must be entered on one line.
/ 2. Commands are case insensitive.
/ 3. Tabs and spaces are ignored except in szDescription arguments.
/ 4. The {} shown enclosing command argument names should not
/ be included in commands.
/ 5. Command arguments beginning with n must be numbers.
/ 6. Command arguments beginning with sz are strings.
/ 7. nTableId 1 is the default Internal 3 digit dial plan table.
/ 8. nTableId 2 is the default Incoming 3 digit dial plan table.
/ 9. nTableId 3 is the default LCR dial plan table. (If used the
/ LCR table is checked first, if no entry exists, string is then
/ run through the associated internal dial plan.
/ 10. szExtension *0001 is the default Line Card Port extension list
/ 11. szExtension *0002 is the default T1 extension list
/ 12. szExtension *0003 is the default Voicemail extension list
/ 13. szExtension *0004 is the default Attendant extension list
/ (The lowest telephone extension that is Auto-discovered will
/ populate)
/ 14. szExtension *0005 is the default H323 extension list
/ 15. szExtension *0008 is the default 8 Pool extension list
/ (for backward compatibility, 8 Pool from R1.x upgrades)
/ 16. szOperation can be: stripLead stripTrail replace prepend append
/ 17. szCallClass can be: Internal Local LongDistance International WAN
/ TollFree Emergency COCode Other Wireless Toll
/ AlternateLong Operator TrunkToTrunk Diagnostics
/ NotAllowed
/ 18. route 0 always means look up internal device by extension
/ 19. szStartTime and szEndTime are military time 00:00 through 23:59
/ 20. szStartTime and szEndTime can be: open closed lunch other
/ (if specifying a system mode, both must be the same mode)
/ 21. szExtensionType can be: telephone, park, autoAttendant, huntGroup,
/ external, page
/ 22. nISDNNumberType types for ETSI are as follows: (0, default) unknown;
/ (1) international; (2) national; (3) network; (4) subscriber
i need ddi for incoming and out going calls, and after 5 p.m. hounting group, but hunting group it works fine. ex. 014211710 should go to 110 ext. and if 110 ext. call outside it should show me 014211710.
/ Route Entry Start End Days DestRoute
/ ----- ----- ----- --- ---- ---------
TimedRouteEntry Create 11 1 Open Open SMTWTFS 12
TimedRouteEntry Create 11 2 Closed Closed SMTWTFS 20
/ Route Entry DestinationExtension
/ ----- ----- --------------------
DestinationRouteEntry Create 12 1 400
DestinationRouteEntry Create 20 1 401
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