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navigate2 flag parameters

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Apr 4, 2001

This is probably very easy.

I am using the navigate2 method in my prog. eg. mynav.navigate2 (url)

the method navigate2 is define like so

object.Navigate2 URL [Flags,] [TargetFrameName,] [PostData,] [Headers]

I would like to be able to pass some values the the flags parameter. How do you do this? The flags I want to set are
navnohistory,navnoreadfromcache. How do I construct the method call.

I have tried .navigate2.(url,navNohistory) but this does not work


Private Const navOpenInNewWindow As Long = 1
Private Const navNoHistory As Long = 2
Private Const navNoReadFromCache As Long = 4
Private Const navNoWriteToCache As Long = 8
Private Const navAllowAutosearch As Long = 16
Private Const navBrowserBar As Long = 32
Private Const navHyperlink As Long = 64

Dim navflags as Long
navflags = navNoHistory + navNoWriteToCache
.navigate2.(url,navFlags) Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
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Generate Sort Class in VB or VBScript
Helo John,

I have found that I have to call the method with no brackets around the parameters e.g. .navigage url,flags not .navigate(url,flags)

I completely missed the period after navigate2 and forgot about the () around the parameters. I was thinking that you needed documentation on the flags. When you said it did not work, I assumed that you meant a run-time error not a compile-time error. Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
Compare Code (Text)
Generate Sort Class in VB or VBScript
Hello again Samphdauto,

This is a procedure I ended up with that posts a form to an URL.

Public Sub validate_logon()

Dim URL As String
Dim Flags As Long
Dim TargetFrame As String
Dim PostData() As Byte
Dim Headers As String

URL = " Flags = 2
TargetFrame = ""
PostData = "p_badge=" + frmMain.txtCurrentBadge + "&p_pin=" + frmPIN.txtPin

' VB creates a Unicode string by default so we need to
' convert it back to Single byte character set.

PostData = StrConv(PostData, vbFromUnicode)
Headers = "Content-Type: application/x- & vbCrLf

frmBrowser.WebBrowser.Navigate2 URL, Flags, TargetFrame, PostData, Headers
frmBrowser.Visible = True
frmBrowser.WebBrowser.Visible = True

End Sub
Hi Anthony.. here is what I need to do

I have a form with a cmdExtract which after fires it needs to:
By using Inet. How can I copy a news article text from an URL into a Word.doc file?
Also copy the article headline into a table in Access and copy it’s now new location on the hard drive in a Access.mdb table? The Access table has Headline and Location as fields.

I have this in a bas module

Public Type InetLinkInfo
InetLinkText As New Collection
InetLinkHref As New Collection
End Type

Public Function GetInetLinkInfo(InetLink As Inet) As InetLinkInfo
Dim L
For Each L In InetLink.Document.Links
GetInetLinkInfo.InetLinkText.Add L.Innertext
GetInetLinkInfo.InetLinkHref.Add L.Href
End Function

Private Sub cmdExtract_Click()
Dim MyInfo As InetLinkInfo
Dim c As Long

c = 1
MyInfo = GetInetLinkInfo(Inet1.OpenURL(searchURL.Text))
Do Until c = MyInfo.InetLinkText.Count + 1
MsgBox MyInfo.InetLinkText.Item(c) & " " & MyInfo.InetLinkHref.Item(c)
c = c + 1

End Sub

if I run this, I get Run time error '424': Object required and the yellow highlight on the line in the last section of the code at
MyInfo = GetInetLinkInfo(Inet1.OpenURL(searchURL.Text))

after that I need help please.. in creating a .doc file and coping the innertext of the article and inserting the info into Access .mdb

any help would be great
Thanks a lot


Hello Samphdauto,

Sorry, I don't have clue how you would do this.

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