I have a table (tbl1), a query from that table (query1) with criteria taken from an open form, and a 2nd query (query2) with criteria the value from a combo box.
My whole design works like a charm, but I decided that I need a previous/next pair of buttons, to navigate through the recordset of my 2nd query.
I am open on ideas on how I am gonna do this...
I am not a programmer so I gather infos about my task and I found some, about openrecordset, movenext, moveprevious and such, but I had some issues.
Here's what I have done so far (and my problems) but I am open to any other suggestions...
I wrote a code similar to this:
Dim RS as recordset
Set RS=currentdb.openrecordset("query2")
Here I get error 3061 Too few parameters, Expected 2
(if -for the fun of it- I replace query2 with query1
i get 3061 Too few parameters, Expected 1)
So I think that the "criteria" in my queries is somehow the problem, but I m maybe wrong)
When I run my queries they work just fine and I get the expected results. Also they work in some other part of my form.)
My whole design works like a charm, but I decided that I need a previous/next pair of buttons, to navigate through the recordset of my 2nd query.
I am open on ideas on how I am gonna do this...
I am not a programmer so I gather infos about my task and I found some, about openrecordset, movenext, moveprevious and such, but I had some issues.
Here's what I have done so far (and my problems) but I am open to any other suggestions...
I wrote a code similar to this:
Dim RS as recordset
Set RS=currentdb.openrecordset("query2")
Here I get error 3061 Too few parameters, Expected 2
(if -for the fun of it- I replace query2 with query1
i get 3061 Too few parameters, Expected 1)
So I think that the "criteria" in my queries is somehow the problem, but I m maybe wrong)
When I run my queries they work just fine and I get the expected results. Also they work in some other part of my form.)