I have a IPO 2.1.16 with VM PRO 2.1.5
We set up a names directory off of the main attendant. When you hear the attendant you are given the option to press "1" to dial by name. When you press "1" you hear the recording that says enter the last name of the caller you are trying to reach. When you enter the last name you get "extension not found", however if you enter the first name you are routed to the extension. So I changed the selection to search by first name, thinking the caller will now hear please enter the first name of the person you are trying to reach. They do hear this message however now when you enter the first name you hear "extension not found" and if you enter the last name you are routed to the correct extension.
Any ideas?
We set up a names directory off of the main attendant. When you hear the attendant you are given the option to press "1" to dial by name. When you press "1" you hear the recording that says enter the last name of the caller you are trying to reach. When you enter the last name you get "extension not found", however if you enter the first name you are routed to the extension. So I changed the selection to search by first name, thinking the caller will now hear please enter the first name of the person you are trying to reach. They do hear this message however now when you enter the first name you hear "extension not found" and if you enter the last name you are routed to the correct extension.
Any ideas?