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Named Pipe vs TCP (localhost) Windows

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Dec 12, 2001
I have run into a problem on my latest installation of MySQL. On one of my machines, the host is ". via named pipe", while on the other machines it's "localhost via TCP/IP". How can I change the host to be localhost instead of using named pipes? When I run winmysqladmin, the light turns green, and mysqld-nt is running in the list of processes, but the server is not connected. I haven't been able to find any real help in the manual.

MySQL 3.23.51
Windows 2000

Thanks for the help.
I read through the doc, but am still unable to get it to work. If I don't enable named pipes (--enable-named-pipe) and connect with host ".", I can't connect. The server starts, and the thread is running, but when I try to connect, I get the error "2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)". It suggests trying to see if the server is there by typing "telnet localhost 3360". When I do this, I get the error "Could not open a connection to host on port 3360 : connect failed". TCP/IP is installed, and the my.ini file is there.

maybe it just a typo error, but the port should be 3306

what are u using to connect to the server? i'm not much into the win build of mysql, so i don't know what utils are shipped with it
try to use some binaries that are in the bin folder of mysql
Yeah, that was a typo. I've tried using mysqld and mysqld-nt with the same resluts. The server starts, but I can't connect to it unless I start it like this:"mysqld-nt --enable-named-pipe". I'm trying to connect using mysqladmin (command line) and mysql (both in the bin directory), as well as with php code and MySQL-Front.
have you tried something like
mysql -u root --host=localhost --port=3306?

and i have read some time ago something about installing mysql as service into w2k, was on mysql.com site which is almost unaccessible from my office at the moment so i can't help you with a link, try to look there, maybe that would help
I tried that, with the same error (2003). I can install MySQL as a service with no problems, it starts up fine. I just can't connect to it with a client or command line or php.

i just thought about that telnet thing
that looks like the server is not running

when i try the connection from the localhost i got

Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
NHost 'localhost.localdomain' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection closed by foreign host.

and when from other machine in the network

FHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

check the logs of mysql if there is not something helpfull
The server is running (at least, the process is), it's just not running via tcp/ip on that port, so it can't connect with telnet.

I appreciate the help, thanks

don't you have the possibility to try it from a remote machine?
or do not use "localhost" as the hostname, try the ip of that machine instead
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