Using CRXIr2 w/Access 2003 and have the following cross-tab:
Row @Empl (If {Enter_Issues.EmployeeID}=2 then 'Abc' else '?')
Column @Month(MonthName(DatePart("m"{Enter_Issues.BeginDate}))
Sum Field Enter_Issues.Total
I'd like to display the columns like our Fiscal Year starting with
Oct and ending with Sept.
How can I accomplish this?
Using CRXIr2 w/Access 2003 and have the following cross-tab:
Row @Empl (If {Enter_Issues.EmployeeID}=2 then 'Abc' else '?')
Column @Month(MonthName(DatePart("m"{Enter_Issues.BeginDate}))
Sum Field Enter_Issues.Total
I'd like to display the columns like our Fiscal Year starting with
Oct and ending with Sept.
How can I accomplish this?