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#Name? error msg on users computers

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Technical User
Feb 29, 2000
I created a report for a database on a shared drive. when running a report and grouping by month The users get #Name? instead of the Month and year. The Reports shows fine on my computer. I have checked the systems date on the users and we are using the same formats.<br>
Anybody knows where is the beef....?<br>
Tech specs <br>
MS Access 97 sr-2<br>
Running from a shared drive<br>
OS Windows 95 (All users)<br>
Computer Dell Optiplex GX1 (all users)<br>
Yeah the Beef is in your mis-spelled or changed Field name.<br>
&quot;Control Source&quot; to be exact.<br>
Access is saying &quot;Huh&quot;<br>
Maybe that machine does not have linked database???<br>
It will take some investigation starting at the report (on the &quot;Brat&quot; machine.<br>
Go in design view see the reports &quot;Record Source&quot;<br>
and work you way back to query or table <br>
and so on.<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
DougP Thanks for the input... but if the field name were misspelled (I already checked that) NONE of the machines would be able to show the date properly. The form is feeding from a Query and the users are reading directly from the Dbase in a shared drive. I already went to all the basic checks... but there is new information if I create a new report from the users computer and try the group by month feature still keeps showing the #Name? instead of the Month.<br>
Like I said thanks again.... want to give it another try...?
Can you just get the date() function to work on the report from a user's system? Is Access on the shared drive or just the data? I had problems with the date() function at one point, and ended up creating a new database and importing everything from the old database--it fixed the problem, but not sure why ?? <p>jgarnick<br><a href=mailto:jgarnick@aol.com>jgarnick@aol.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Jgarnick... I think you are on to something... the date() function is not working on the users computers it is returning #Name? instead of the month.<br>
I will Create a new database and import the data... but I still would like to know what is causing this erratic behavior. It could be another Bill Gates' sick attempt to take over the world...? I wonder mhhhh!!!!.... thanks... and keep them coming folks....
If you are using the Date() try using <br>
or =Format(now, &quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)<br>
That may save you the time of re-creating the database over again.<br>
And what if after all that work it does not fix the problem.<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
DougP... thanks for the comment. I only used Date() to test the scenario as suggested by Jgarnick. What I'm doing is grouping by Month on a report.<br>
But like I said... keep them coming....<br>
Thanks again....<br>
Note: Problem still not solved....!
Jgarnick.... the whole database is on a shared drive... but the program (Access) is installed in the users computer.... I know... I already checked the version is the same... we are in a IGSE 5.00 environment (Intel Global Systems Environment)<br>
so all the computers are standard.<br>
I really need a solution... they have me sending and printing reports and the secretaries are very happy.......... Goooooooooood help me!... I hate clerical work.....<br>
Snifff... sniffff...!
My situation was the same as yours --the whole database was on the network, but the Access program was on the individual work stations. Date() worked fine on all the other systems but my own. I also tried the suggestions DougP mentioned above to no avail--it drove me crazy! In the end, by creating a new database and importing the objects, it fixed the problem and I haven't had it since. I know it may be a lot of work, but if nobody else comes up with a better idea, it's worth a try! <p>jgarnick<br><a href=mailto:jgarnick@aol.com>jgarnick@aol.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I'll try that <br>
If anybody else knows what is going on here please I'm still taking suggestions
I had a similar problem with now(). In your query, create a variable based on your date field using the DatePart function: DatePart(&quot;mmmm&quot;, [datefield]). See if that returns the correct month. If it does, group on that variable.<br>
Did you import the date from another source? Access doesn't always translate dates correctly, even though they look alright.
Geekette .... Thanks.... that is a great idea... I will try that ... and the answer to your question is no, the date is not imported at all...
Check the library references (from any module) on the computer giving you the errors for &quot;Missing&quot; attached to a reference library. If one is found uncheck it and it should clear the problem up.<br>
RDH <p>Ricky Hicks<br><a href=mailto: rdhicks@mindspring.com> rdhicks@mindspring.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thanks Ricky worth the shot.... I checked 3 of the users and all libraries are in place<br>
keep them coming folks....
Did you find the solution to this problem?

Did importing the objects to a new db work?
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