I have a form that is supposed to go to a table and bring in the value of a cost IF the study and visit number match. This doesn't seem that difficult, but I keep getting a name error. If there is a problem with my code below, please let me know. I may just try running a query if all else fails. Thanks alot! - Matt -
=IIf(([Study]=[Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![Study] And [Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![Visit #]=1),[Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![1 budgeted cost],"0.00"
=IIf(([Study]=[Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![Study] And [Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![Visit #]=1),[Procedure_Cost_Per_Subject_per_Visit]![1 budgeted cost],"0.00"