Our corporate site is running a MICS 5.0, with NVM 4.0.04C.
Yesterday, I logged into the ACCESS server, and discovered that every day for the past several weeks, there have been at least two occurances of "ENOUGH DISK S9". I did not go through the entire log to discover when this message started.
After doing some research on this, I came across thread799-1163185
I have left a message with my vendor to discuss, but he has not gotten back to me as of yet.
Anyways... if the hard drive is going bad in the NAM, I was wondering, from those of you who have worked on both, would we be better off looking into an updated NAM, or a CallPilot 150 ?
Like many companies, we have downsized over the past few years, but are starting to grow again. We currently have around 40 mailboxes in use.
I would also like to update our MICS to 6.1-r3 (or 7.0), but our current NAM isn't compatible... so this would be the time to do something about that... ;-)
We have a remote location that is running under 6.1, with Flash 2.1(?), linked to corporate via 4 tie-lines (over a T1). If we upgrade corporate to 6.1 or greater, we may also want to look into centralized voice mail.
Bottom line: if our NAM is failing, what advantages would upgrading to a newer NAM have over a CallPilot 150 (and visa-versa) ?
Yesterday, I logged into the ACCESS server, and discovered that every day for the past several weeks, there have been at least two occurances of "ENOUGH DISK S9". I did not go through the entire log to discover when this message started.
After doing some research on this, I came across thread799-1163185
I have left a message with my vendor to discuss, but he has not gotten back to me as of yet.
Anyways... if the hard drive is going bad in the NAM, I was wondering, from those of you who have worked on both, would we be better off looking into an updated NAM, or a CallPilot 150 ?
Like many companies, we have downsized over the past few years, but are starting to grow again. We currently have around 40 mailboxes in use.
I would also like to update our MICS to 6.1-r3 (or 7.0), but our current NAM isn't compatible... so this would be the time to do something about that... ;-)
We have a remote location that is running under 6.1, with Flash 2.1(?), linked to corporate via 4 tie-lines (over a T1). If we upgrade corporate to 6.1 or greater, we may also want to look into centralized voice mail.
Bottom line: if our NAM is failing, what advantages would upgrading to a newer NAM have over a CallPilot 150 (and visa-versa) ?