Just trying to get some reports for a customer. Loks like when I do the FAQ setup I cannot get past the part were you assign it to a com port. Yhe screen says selected ports but there is nothing to select.
thought u could run reports via telset then just hook up printer to printer port???.Or use vm manager to do on screen...not sure if vm manager worked on xp???
Copy below to notepad then save as -select ALL FILES and name it nvmppp2.inf
; Modified from example modem installation scripts
; Allow a win95 PC to use a direct dial up connection
; (i.e. installs a direct dial up device)
; Should already have installed Dial up networking with the
; TCP/IP protocol on your win95 PC
; steps
; 1) Copy this file to your Win 95 PC
; 2) Go to the control panel and double click the "Modems" icon.
; If a modem has previously been installed, click on the
; "ADD" button. If a modem has never been installed, a
; "Install New modem" dialog box is presented right away, without
; being prompted to press a button for "ADD", "Remove",
; or "Properties".
; 3) On the "Install New modem" dialog box, check
; "Don't detect my modem" box
; 4) Click the "Next>" button.
; 5) Click on "Have disk"
; 6) In the next dialog box enter the path to the file that
; you copied in step one
; 7) Click on "Direct Serial Connection"
; 8) Click on the "Next>" button.
; 9) Click on the port where you direct connection is going to be on
; this windows PC.
; (If you want to use the first serial port of your PC to
; communicate with the serial port on the NAM, choose
; COM1. Laptops commonly only have COM1).
; Then click on the "Next>" button. Quite often COM1.
; 10) Windows takes a few seconds to install this new device
; driver. After it is done, click the "Finish"
; button. The title of the modem, "Direct Serial connection"
; should appear in the next window.
; 11) Click "OK"
; 12) Go into dial up networking and make a new
; connection.
; 13) When the dialog box comes up select the Direct Serial
; Connection as your modem. GIve a name for this type of connection
; in the "Type a name for the computer you are dialing" field. An
; example name would be, "NAM Serial Port".and click configure.
; 14) Set the speed to 19200.
; 15) Choose the "Connection" tab, and remove the check for "Wait for
; dial tone befor dialing" and change the "Cancel the call if not
; connected within 60 secs" to be 0 seconds. Do NOT REMOVE THE
; check from the box! (If you remove the check, the connection will
; take literally FOREVER, and if you leave 60 seconds in the box,
; the connection will take about 1 minute to connect! Go figure!).
; 16) Press "OK" button.
; Then click on the "Next>" button.
; NOTE: It does _not_ matter what you put in for the phone number
; when you are prompted for one, because this device will NOT use it.
; Use some arbitrary value like "1".
; Click on the "Next>" button and then the "Finish" button.
; At this time it might be a good idea to go to dial up
; networking and choose the properties for
; this new connection that you have made. Choose "Server type".
; Although the Server Type must be PPP,
; and TCP/IP must be an allowed network protocol, the other
; settings such as "Log on to network", "Enable software compression",
; Require encrypted Password" do not seem to matter.
; For TCP/IP settings, ensure that "Server assigned IP address"
; and "Server assigned name server addresses" are all checked.
; Ensure that "Use IP header compression" and "Use default
; gateway on remote network" are also checked.
I had the same trouble with xp. I tried to assign a new COM port, but it wouldn't take the direct connect settings.
I can't remember for sure, but for some reason, I had to put the nvmppp2 file on a floppy (the have disk prompt wouldn't allow me to select a file on my hard drive) and then use that as my driver.
Will not work over win2000. Best result is win98(yeh right, we all have machines at win98). They came out with 4.1 so you can modify class of service through telset.
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