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NAM IP Address 4

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Jul 11, 2002
I've got a problem with a NAM IP Address and ITAS can't seem to help me out (at least 1st level support). Here's my issue. I'm trying to install INFOCUS Software for a Cinphony ACD on the NAM, I've run the NAM IP LITE software and have successfully changed the IP Address at least it seemed to have worked. The reason I say it worked is cause I ran the IP LITE to retrieve IP info from the NAM and it came back with the IP address that I changed it to. 2nd thing is I was told by Cintech that I could change the IP Address using the keyboard and monitor that's used for the ACD, after following their instructions all IP information seemed to have been changed. So when I tried to PING the NAM it would not respond, I made sure the IP Address and the Subnet Mask of my laptop was compatible with the NAM's. After doing my troubleshooting I called ITAS and they had me go onto the keyboard of the ACD and at the DOS prompt type in IFCONFIG, this is supposed to give you the IP and Subnet Mask. It came out as IP and Subnet, so they're telling me that the IP LITE didn't do it's job, but they don't know why I can't change it using the keyboard and monitor. The other thing is I can't get ITAS to call me back now, I think they're stumped. Any ideas or suggestions I will take any at this point.
They say you might need to run the program a couple times for it too take.
I dont run it myself but instead hook up a monitor, mouse and keyboard to the NAM and set the IP manualy.
Good luck!

I agree with you have to do it more than one time ,I had the same problem before ,sometimes it takes one than one time to take effect, and you have to reboot the NAM afterward.

Good Luck.

Can you tell me how you've changed the IP Address manually, cause what I have tried has not worked.
In the IP lite disks has a read me file .If you can open that you will see exact instruction to change the IP address.

That I know, that's what I've done but it has not worked what I'd like to know is if anybody has changed the IP Address using a monitor and keyboard connected directly to the NAM. If so I'd like to know how it was done?
Not ignoring you but I cant remember unless its in front of me but I'm asking around to see if anyone has it written down.
Once you hook up then reboot NAM and go thru the options if you want to see if you can figure it out in the meantime and if you do then reboot once your done.
Just in case you were wondering, as of November 13, 2002, Nortel no longer supports putting Prelude or Cinphony Applications on a NAM running NVM. So unless this is a stand-alone install, I would suggest not doing it. There are a lot of problems with the co-res NAMs and cross-linked files.

As for ITAS 1st level support (and some 2nd level), they do not support end-users accessing the OS/2 for configuration changes because of policy. Also, many of them have never used OS/2 and thus are not familiar with what should and should not be changed.

If you are familiar with OS/2, you can get into the TCP/IP properties and change the IP manually on a NAM. It's real easy once you find the spot, but it's a clumsy interface (similar to Windows, but not) and takes some practice. The only settings that need to be changed are the IP and Subnet Mask.

If I had an OS/2 computer to play with, I'd explain the process, but alas, I don't, and it's been a while.
If memory serves me you click on the OS/2 dos prompt icon and type in "tcpcfg" a window will pop up after a couple of seconds with bookmark tabs. There should be one for "IP". Make your changes, when it asks you if you want to run "automail" after you save you settings click "no". OS/2 will ask you if you want too close "programs running" click "yes" until the NAM reboots. Going off memory here. Kevin Clear
Clearfield Comm.

That sounds like what I've tried and when I go back to look at it, just to see if it changed it does show the IP and Subnet that I entered, but still can't ping the darn thing. ITAS e-mailed me today with some different instructions, that I have not seen or heard of before. So I'll try it out and let you all know how it goes, but if there are any more suggestions out there, my ears are still open. Thanks to all who have already given their input.
Have you tried to ping it from one of the customers workstations? You will need a cross-over cable if doing it from your laptop. Just throwing darts here. Kevin Clear
Clearfield Comm.
I found this, hope it helps/works(for installing a second NIC card techicaly):

To configure the TCP/IP, type
TCPCFG from the OS/2 Prompt.
2) At the main TCP/IP Configuration Screen, select the network adapter number you
have just configured in MPTS. If you added an adapter as #1 (Numbering starts at 0,
so the second card would be #1) then select LAN Interface #(card number) and
ensure the Enable Interface button is selected.
3) Enter all the information required in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Routing and
HostNames (fully-qualified domain name) fields. . Enter the name of the NAM and its
IP address in the Host Name Configuration, as well as entries for other remote NAMs
not defined in any Domain Name Server (if any exist). Once complete, close the
TCP/IP configuration program and ensure you select to SAVE the changes if
necessary. Verify that Ultimail does not autostart.
4) Once the system is configured, attach the appropriate network cable to card and
reboot the NAM.
5) To test the TCP/IP connectivity, make a note of the TCP/IP address for the NAM you
have just configured, and from a remote station which is configured with TCP/IP run a
PING program and enter this IP address. If there is a response from the NAM, then
the configuration is valid. On the NAM, open an OS/2 window and Ping the NAM’s
own fully-qualified domain name – it should respond with its IP address. Any other
similarly-configured NAM’s on the network may be Pinged from this NAM, using their
own fully qualified domain name.
Ok here is an update to this problem, it seems to only be getting worse. I tried again changing the IP address with no luck, I used the directions you posted on here Curlycord (they were actually the same instructions ITAS gave me when I called them)after about an 1 1/2 hours I was able to getthem to dial into the NAM and look at it to see if they could fix my IP problem. To make the long story short they said the OS/2 software has corruption in it and the only thing I can try aside from replacing the the NAM is to install a 3rd party NIC and see if I can configure an IP address to it and see if I can get it to work. My problem now is what kind of NIC to get and is it even going to solve the problem? The customer already told me they DO NOT want to replace the NAM, cause it would just cost to much to purchase a 16 channel NAM and have it programmed. Anybody got any other suggestions or advice, believe me anything will help me and will be greatly appreciated. This customer is starting to lose all faith in Nortel and the Norstar.

If the OS/2 is corrupted then you have a big problem in your hand and I think even if you change to any NIC card it will not work but not only that you will get alot of crazy problems with your VM and specially if you have ACD.I did have similar problem with one of my customer and Cintech mention that we have bad or corrupted Os/2 and after a month or two the VM crashed.Sorry for the bad news,but you should advice your customer if he has a warranty or sometming because most likely he will have to replace this unit.By the way the channel upgrade its not that expensive like before alot of people have them now for a low price.
thats my opnion.

Good Luck.
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