Hey there...
I have reached the limit of my patience. I'm trying to use mysql++ in my program. It works fine if I build a normal Win32 Console Application, but if I build a CLR Windows Forms Application, it gives me 27 linking errors like these 2 below.
Anyone got any ideas how I can rid myself of this frustration?
I have reached the limit of my patience. I'm trying to use mysql++ in my program. It works fine if I build a normal Win32 Console Application, but if I build a CLR Windows Forms Application, it gives me 27 linking errors like these 2 below.
test.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00000E) "public: virtual class mysqlpp::ColData_Tmpl<class mysqlpp::const_string> const __clrcall mysqlpp::Row::at(unsigned int)const " (?at@Row@mysqlpp@@$$FUBM?BV?$ColData_Tmpl@Vconst_string@mysqlpp@@@2@I@Z) referenced in function "void __clrcall `dynamic initializer for 'const mysqlpp::Row::`vftable'{for `mysqlpp::const_subscript_container<class mysqlpp::Row,class mysqlpp::ColData_Tmpl<class mysqlpp::const_string>,class mysqlpp::ColData_Tmpl<class mysqlpp::const_string> const ,unsigned int,int>'}''(void)" (???__E??_7Row@mysqlpp@@6B?$const_subscript_container@VRow@mysqlpp@@V?$ColData_Tmpl@Vconst_string@mysqlpp@@@2@$$CBV32@IH@1@@@@YMXXZ@?A0x8ed57892@@$$FYMXXZ)
test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __clrcall mysqlpp::Row::~Row(void)" (??1Row@mysqlpp@@$$FUAM@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void * __clrcall mysqlpp::Row::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_ERow@mysqlpp@@$$FUAMPAXI@Z)
Anyone got any ideas how I can rid myself of this frustration?