For anyone interested, my resolve(after trying everything else I could possibly think of, and every tip online that I could dig-up) was to setup a 2nd Windows 2000 hardware profile for DV export only(right-click My Computer-->Properties-->Hardware-->Hardware Profiles. Make a copy of the current setting, rename it DV, reboot, select the new profile and make your changes in Device Manager).
Basically, in this hardware profile I disabled every hardware component that I didnt need for a DV has been repeatedly successful. I hope this helps someone.
My system: Win2K SP2; Tbird 1.1Ghz; Asus A7V133 Bios 1005a; 768MB RAM; 27GB WD 5400RPM IDE; 40GB Maxtor 7200RPM IDE; Premiere 6.01; Panasonic PV-DV401 miniDV; WD IEEE1394 PCI; SB5.1 Platinum; 3COM 10/100 PCI NIC; Symbios SCSI PCI
Basically, in this hardware profile I disabled every hardware component that I didnt need for a DV has been repeatedly successful. I hope this helps someone.
My system: Win2K SP2; Tbird 1.1Ghz; Asus A7V133 Bios 1005a; 768MB RAM; 27GB WD 5400RPM IDE; 40GB Maxtor 7200RPM IDE; Premiere 6.01; Panasonic PV-DV401 miniDV; WD IEEE1394 PCI; SB5.1 Platinum; 3COM 10/100 PCI NIC; Symbios SCSI PCI