Well, I was about to take a job when, just at the last minute, they throw in a provision stating that all programming will be done using VB6 or VB.NET, and that at some point in the future the team will experiment with C# and then decide what language will be used.
Now, being a C# programmer, this is bothering me. I've made a considerable "investment" in learning C# and I think that it will be much better for my career to concentrate on mastering it, rather than fooling with VB.NET. Sometimes I even think that VB.NET will be obscure in the not-so-distant future- with C# work really taking off.
My way of thinkig is that if you're using .NET, what difference does it make if one programmer is using VB and the other C#, since almost always if yuou know one you know the other.
I think this odd provision is based on the fact that these people are old-school VB guys, just getting into VB.NET and they think that C# is going to be really foreign.
I want to take the job but I'm afread that I will HATE having to use VB.NET!
Now, being a C# programmer, this is bothering me. I've made a considerable "investment" in learning C# and I think that it will be much better for my career to concentrate on mastering it, rather than fooling with VB.NET. Sometimes I even think that VB.NET will be obscure in the not-so-distant future- with C# work really taking off.
My way of thinkig is that if you're using .NET, what difference does it make if one programmer is using VB and the other C#, since almost always if yuou know one you know the other.
I think this odd provision is based on the fact that these people are old-school VB guys, just getting into VB.NET and they think that C# is going to be really foreign.
I want to take the job but I'm afread that I will HATE having to use VB.NET!