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Must I use Visual Studio.Net for ASP.Net?

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Apr 2, 2002
I am contemplating migrating to ASP.Net, but can't afford Studio.Net. The books I have all talk about using Studio to compile the pages and how the VB code is placed in a codebehind page.
Is it possible to do all this in notepad or freeware?

I have the books to get me started, now I just need some technical help.


So you just download WebMatrix onto a PC and it will work like VS, but for free?

JJ [peace]

"Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand" - Witch Hunt, by Rush
One other option:

If by VS.NET you mean the full suite thats a few thousand, there is one alternative that isn't free, but isn't overly expensive.

You can purchase VB.NET or C# standard for under $200 (well under if you live in the states). You get the language of choice, and a slimmed down version of vs.net, although almost all of the really core functionality is still available to you.

Of course, web matrix is also available (and is free), but Standard is a great option as well (you get some kick @$$ posters that show the entire .NET framwork object structure too...very kewl)

jcisco and jfrost get pink stars for their efforts. Thanks to the j's.

JJ [peace]

"Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand" - Witch Hunt, by Rush
So guys,

I am new to asp.net, are you recommending to use web matrix. What features I would lose if I use web matrix and not using vs.net
i know nothing about visual studio. but i have used web matrix for about a year now. i am certainly not a whiz, but it did the job for me. i created a website with beaucoup calls to a database for sports data. and it's free. try it you will like it.
Hi jfrost10,

What exactly does Visual C#.Net not have that Studio does? I am just curious.

Some of the main things I like about VS:
1. Intellisense
2. code-behind/code-beside support.
3. projects that know where to get the dlls they reference/ compile with "Ctrl-Shift B".
4. The server-explorer
5. The "Object Browser".
6. Solution /item templates. (new "WebForm", "Class" etc.)
7. did I mention Intellisense?

Does the visualC#/VB.NET have any or all of those?

Also, there is SharpDevelop, but I don't know how much ASP.NET is actually does. And don't forget Borland C# Builder.

Hey dragonwall,

The Standard version has everything you listed except for the server explorer, and the ability to create library projects.

It also doesn't have alot of the bells/whistles that the full vs.net has, like multi language and app test center.

But if you just need a basic platform to develop with, its a good choice.

keep your eyes open on ebay... got me a copy of vs enterprise edition still shrink wrapped for $250. and the upgrade to 2003 for $75... and had I been paying attention last fall I could have gotten the upgrade for $29 from Microsoft, while they were running their promotion.
may i ask. is vs good for creating code that is w3 compliant? hope that isn't a dumb question.
Hi Occas

It is a very valid question and the answer is unfortunately not. the code that is auto-generated by the ASP.NET framework is in the current edition non w3c standards compliant for any HTML doctype, let alone XHTML1.0

This however is all set to change in the upcoming ASP.NET2.0 Edition or "Whidbey" which will provide full support for XHTML1.0 strict compliant code :)


Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence - Erhmann 1927
ty Rob. one other question. i know nothing of dreamweaver. i use notepad, html-kit and web matrix for the little design i have done. would vs be similar to dreamweaver?
To All,

The codebehind page schema is so last year. Widbey the new VS.NET version does away with that method. Right now the Widbey version is only in alpha (available to MSDN subscribers), but will be released in the near future.

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