I currently use 2 Page Headers and supress them according to the page numbers. The first one is for the first page and the second for anything greater than 1.
I added another Page Header for the use of RMA printing as it will be using the same detail format. I currently have the following formulas:
In the supress formula field:
Page Header 1
PageNumber > 1 Or IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true Or {SO1_SOEntryHeader.SalespersonCode} = "RPR"
Page Header 2
PageNumber = 1 Or IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true Or {SO1_SOEntryHeader.SalespersonCode} = "RPR"
Page Header 3
IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true
This seems to work fine if you print them one by one but for instance I choose a range of 2 SO's, one normal one and one RMA, the normal SO will also display the RMA Page Header. How would I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
I currently use 2 Page Headers and supress them according to the page numbers. The first one is for the first page and the second for anything greater than 1.
I added another Page Header for the use of RMA printing as it will be using the same detail format. I currently have the following formulas:
In the supress formula field:
Page Header 1
PageNumber > 1 Or IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true Or {SO1_SOEntryHeader.SalespersonCode} = "RPR"
Page Header 2
PageNumber = 1 Or IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true Or {SO1_SOEntryHeader.SalespersonCode} = "RPR"
Page Header 3
IsNull({SO1_SOEntryHeader.RMANumber}) = true
This seems to work fine if you print them one by one but for instance I choose a range of 2 SO's, one normal one and one RMA, the normal SO will also display the RMA Page Header. How would I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!