I need to change one button on something close to 300 Callmasters. I am running a G3R V8.2, I need to change the 1-st Column button 5: to mct-act. Any Ideas on doing this as a mass change would be helpful.
What i suggest is to change the programming of the callmasters buttons to a speed-dial. To either a system speed dial list or group list. At the begginning will be hard and will have to work a lot. But at the end you will only have to change the speed dial list for the feature code or a number that you need to dial with the button. This way you only will have one place to change it instead of 300.
If all of the other button assignments are the same, then you could set up and use a station template. It's a bit of work, too, but not as bad as changing 300+ stations.
Susan Why do strong arms fatigue themselves with frivolous dumbbells? To dig a vineyard is worthier exercise for men. Marcus Valerius Martialis Semper ubi sububi in caput tuum.
Do you have a copy of ASA or DSA? I believe you can export the sets into an excel spreadsheet, modify the entries & then re-import it. I've never tried it. I do have a powerpoint presentation on how to get the info into excel, Maybe I'll try it on a switch & see if will work. I don't have time this afternoon, but probably tomorrow.
Paul Beddows
Avaya Consulting, Implementation, One on One EAS & Definity Training for PBX Administrators.
I have tried the import/export, but the buttons do not appear to be objects like everything else. If this were the case I would be using the find & replace functionality. I will be looking at the template solution.
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