There was another thread like this, but slightly different and I didn't find anything that would answer my question..
Can someone tell me how to modify this code to show four slide shows on one page? I've tried copying it four times and changing the chgSlide to chgSlide2, 3, and 4, but when I try to move the code that creates the four different myPix arrays into each function the slides all stop at slide #2. Even though there should be 4 in the array. Hope that makes sense.
myPix = new Array("picture1.gif","picture2.gif","picture3.gif","picture4.gif")
thisPic = 0
imgCt = myPix.length - 1
function chgSlide(direction) {
if (document.images) {
thisPic = thisPic + direction
if (thisPic > imgCt) {
thisPic = 0
if (thisPic < 0) {
thisPic = imgCt
~ lahddah
Can someone tell me how to modify this code to show four slide shows on one page? I've tried copying it four times and changing the chgSlide to chgSlide2, 3, and 4, but when I try to move the code that creates the four different myPix arrays into each function the slides all stop at slide #2. Even though there should be 4 in the array. Hope that makes sense.
myPix = new Array("picture1.gif","picture2.gif","picture3.gif","picture4.gif")
thisPic = 0
imgCt = myPix.length - 1
function chgSlide(direction) {
if (document.images) {
thisPic = thisPic + direction
if (thisPic > imgCt) {
thisPic = 0
if (thisPic < 0) {
thisPic = imgCt
~ lahddah