Hi All, I have recently added a multitape loader to our network and am a bit confused on the best method for scheduling backups and rotation. Currently we run full backups 5 days a week and offsite vault the tapes for 14 servers each workday. Our site requirement is 90 day retention. Now, others in my group are saying that they run Fulls on Friday and incrementals the rest of the week. Where I am losing it is, the new machine is using Barcoded tapes, how can I track these? Second, how many tapes per server should I need? We are using Veritas Backup 8.6 network, is there a way to direct which tape it uses for incrementals and Full? Can someone detail a typical 3 month rotation for an imaginary server (lets say, Example A) where it shows what tapes are needed and when they should be pulled and rotated? Thanks in advance....