I have to put in a report details on 11 lines the very same data. Does anybody has an idea?
I have to copy/paste in sections 1 to 11 the same fields or is another way?
JNo JDate Sales
10 21/01/2015 10 line 1
10 21/01/2015 10 line 2
10 21/01/2015 10 line 3
10 21/01/2015 10 line 4
10 21/01/2015 10 line 11
12 22/01/2015 30 line 1
12 22/01/2015 30 line 2
12 22/01/2015 30 line 11
I have to put in a report details on 11 lines the very same data. Does anybody has an idea?
I have to copy/paste in sections 1 to 11 the same fields or is another way?
JNo JDate Sales
10 21/01/2015 10 line 1
10 21/01/2015 10 line 2
10 21/01/2015 10 line 3
10 21/01/2015 10 line 4
10 21/01/2015 10 line 11
12 22/01/2015 30 line 1
12 22/01/2015 30 line 2
12 22/01/2015 30 line 11